browse :
- Alyngton
- Ashforth
- Betrisden
- Boughton Malarde
- Boughton Subtus Blean
- Bucklande
- Canturbery
- Chartam
- Chillam
- Ffeversham
- Hosprenge
- London
- Lyd
- Milton
- Moch Mongeam
- Newington
- Northgate
- Oxforde
- Pluckley
- Rayname
- Riple
- Rochester
- S Georges In Canterbury
- S. Mary Of Sandwich
- Saint Clementes Of Sandwiche
- Salisbery
- Saynt Paules In Canturbery
- Sheldewyche
- Smedge
- Stodmersh
- Sttallefeld
- Tenterde
- The Churche Of S Andrewe in Canterbury
- Westbere
- Witchlynge
- Wynchesters
- Other
Type : parish
Mentioned :
- "Ashforth": p.009
- "Ashforde": p.014
- "Ashforth": p.015
- "parrishe churche of Ashford": p.040
- "ascheforde": p.148
Link :

Type : city
Mentioned :
- "Canturbery": p.005
- "Canturbery": p.005
- "Cantorbery": p.007
- "Cantorbery": p.007
- "Cantorbery": p.007
- "Cantorbery": p.007
- "Cantorbery": p.007
- "Canturbery": p.011
- "Canturbery": p.016
- "Caunterbury": p.016
- "Caunterbury": p.016
- "Canterburye": p.022
- "Canturbery": p.030
- "Cantorbery": p.031
- "Canturbery": p.033
- "Canterbury": p.037
- "Canterbury": p.037
- "Canterburys": p.037
- "Canterburies": p.037
- "Canterburye": p.038
- "canterburye": p.038
- "Canterbury": p.038
- "Caunterbury": p.042
- "Canterbury": p.051
- "Canterbury": p.051
- "Canterburys": p.053
- "Canterbury": p.053
- "Canterburye": p.053
- "Canterbury": p.055
- "Cantorbery": p.055
- "Canturbery": p.055
- "Canterbury": p.056
- "Canterbury": p.056
- "Canterbury": p.057
- "Canterbury": p.057
- "Canterbury": p.059
- "Canterbury": p.059
- "Canterbury": p.060
- "Canterbury": p.060
- "Canterbury": p.062
- "Canterbury": p.065
- "Caunterbury": p.070
- "Caunterbury": p.073
- "Citie of Caunterbury": p.074
- "Caunterbury": p.074
- "Canterburye": p.077
- "Canterburye": p.084
- "Canterbury": p.087
- "Caunterbury, ": p.088
- "Canturbury": p.094
- "cantorbory": p.095
- "Canterburye": p.097
- "Canterbury": p.105
- "Canterburye": p.108
- "Canterburye": p.109
- "Canterburye": p.109
- "Canterbury": p.109
- "Canterbury": p.109
- "the Citie of Canterbury": p.109
- "canterbury": p.121
- "canterbury": p.121
- "Canterburye": p.123
- "Canterburye": p.123
- "Canterburye": p.123
- "Canterburye": p.123
- "Canterbury": p.133
- "Canterburye": p.133
- "Canterbury": p.133
- "Cambridge": p.133
- "Cambridge": p.133
- "Caunterbury": p.137
- "the Cytye of Caunterbury": p.137
- "canterbe": p.142
- "canterbere": p.142
- "cantorbere": p.142
- "canterbere": p.144
- "cantorbere": p.144
- "cantorbere": p.146
- "cantorbere": p.146
- "cantorbere": p.150
- "cantorbere": p.151
- "canterbere": p.153
- "canterbere": p.155
- "Cantorbury": p.157
- "caunterbury": p.166
- "caunterbury": p.166c
- "caunterbury": p.166c
- "caunterbury": p.166c
- "Canterbury": p.167
- "Canterburye": p.167
- "Canterburye": p.168
- "caunterbury": p.171
- "Canterburye": p.173
- "caunterbury": p.175
- "caunterbure": p.175
- "caunterbure": p.177
- "Canterbury": p.185
- "Canterbury": p.185
- "canterbury": p.188
- "Canterbury": p.189
- "Canterbury": p.193
- "Canterbury": p.193
- "Canterbury": p.201
- "the Cyty off Canterbury": p.201
- "Canter": p.201
- "Canter": p.201
- "Canterbury": p.206
- "Cantbury": p.211
- "Canterbury": p.211
- "Canterbury": p.211
- "Canterbury": p.212
- "Canterbury": p.213
- "Canterbury": p.214
- "Canterburye": p.217
- "Canterburye": p.217
- "Canterbury": p.217
- "Cantturbery": p.221
- "canterbury": p.228
- "canterbury": p.230
- "canterbury": p.230
- "canterbury": p.230
- "canterbury": p.240
- "canterbury": p.240
- "canter": p.241
- "canterbury": p.242
- "canterbury": p.242
- "canterbury": p.242
- "canterbury": p.242
- "canterbury": p.242
- "canterbury": p.243
- "canterbury": p.244
- "canterbury": p.245
- "canterbury": p.251
- "canterbury": p.251
- "canterbury": p.251
- "canterbury": p.255
- "canterbury": p.255
- "canterbury": p.256
- "Canterbury": p.259
- "Canterbury": p.259
- "Canterbury": p.260
- "Canterburye": p.261
- "Canterbury": p.261
- "canterbury": p.264
- "canterbury": p.265a
- "canterbury": p.267
- "canterbury": p.267
- "canterbury": p.267
- "canterbury": p.267
- "canterbury": p.267
- "Canterbury": p.278
- "Canterbury": p.282
- "Canter": p.284
- "Canterbury": p.285
- "Canterbury": p.289
- "Canterbury": p.289
- "Canterburye": p.301
- "Canterburye": p.301
- "Canterbury": p.302
- "canterbury": p.310
- "Canterbury": p.311
- "Canterburye": p.333
- "Canterburye": p.333
- "canterburye": p.335
- "Canterburye": p.335
- "Canterburye": p.335
- "canterbury": p.337
- "canterbury": p.338
Link :

Type : parish
Mentioned :
- "Chartam": p.002
- "Chartam": p.013
- "Chartam": p.033
- "Chartam": p.034
- "Charteham": p.036
- "Charteham": p.037
- "Charteham": p.038
- "Charteham": p.038
- "Chartam": p.038
- "Charteham": p.076
Link :

Type : parish
Mentioned :
- "Chillam": p.002
- "Chilham": p.013
- "Chilham": p.013
- "Chillam": p.015
- "Chilham": p.037
- "Chilham": p.037
- "the parishe churche of Chilham": p.037
- "Chiham": p.037
- "Chilham ": p.037
- "chellam": p.145
Link :

Type : parish
Mentioned :
- "ffeversham": p.002
- "ffeversham": p.013
- "ffeversham": p.037
- "ffaversham": p.043
- "ffeversham": p.055
- "faversham": p.063
- "faversham": p.067
- "ffaversham": p.092
- "feversham": p.119
Link :

Type : city
Mentioned :
- "London": p.017
- "london": p.022
- "london": p.022
- "london": p.024
- "London": p.026
- "London": p.026
- "london": p.057
- "london": p.065
- "london": p.101
- "london": p.102
- "london": p.141
- "london": p.144
- "london": p.145
- "london": p.145
- "londons": p.145
- "london": p.150
- "london": p.151
- "london": p.151
- "london": p.160
- "London": p.168
- "london": p.171
- "London": p.173
- "london": p.175
- "london": p.177
- "london": p.177
- "london": p.186
- "london": p.186
- "london": p.187
- "london": p.187
- "london": p.187
- "london": p.187
- "london": p.197
- "london": p.203
- "london": p.211
- "london": p.211
- "london": p.211
- "london": p.211
- "london": p.212
- "london": p.213
- "london": p.221
- "london": p.221
- "london": p.228
- "london": p.240
- "london": p.242
- "london": p.243
- "london": p.243
- "london": p.243
- "londond": p.243
- "london": p.243
- "london": p.244
- "london": p.244
Link :

Type : parish
Mentioned :
- "Northgate": p.030
- "the church of Northgate in Cantorbery": p.031
- "Northgate": p.031
- "Northgate": p.051
- "Northgate": p.051
- "northegat parishe": p.052
- "Northgate": p.058
- "northgate in Canterbury": p.059
- "the parrishe of northgat in Caunterbury": p.070
- "Northgate": p.071
- "northegate parrishe": p.071
- "northegate": p.072
- "Northgate": p.072
- "Northegate": p.073
- "parishe churche of our laidye at Northegate": p.074
- "Northegate": p.074
- "northegate parishe": p.075
- "Northgate": p.080
- "Norgatt": p.220
Link :

Type : city
Mentioned :
- "oxforde": p.101
- "oxforde": p.133
- "Oxforde": p.133
- "Oxforde": p.133
- "oxforde": p.145
- "oxford": p.166c
- "oxford": p.166c
- "oxford": p.171
- "oxford": p.172
- "oxford": p.172
- "oxford": p.175
- "oxfford": p.186
- "oxforth": p.241
Link :

S. Mary Of Sandwich
Type : parish
Mentioned :
- "s. Mary of Sandwich": p.002
- "Saint Mary of Sandwiche": p.065
- "s. mary": p.065
- "our ladye in Sandwiche": p.065
- "our lady churche": p.065
Link :

The Churche Of S Andrewe in Canterbury
Type : building
Mentioned :
- "the churche of S Andrewe in Canterbury": p.059
Link :

Type : parish
Mentioned :
- "witchlynge": p.002
- "witcheling": p.017
- "Witchelyng": p.054
- "wicheling": p.054
- "wycheling": p.082
- "Wycheling": p.084
Link :

Type : city
Mentioned :
- "wynchesters": p.022
- "wy.": p.142
- "venchester": p.142
- "wynchester": p.143
- "wenchester": p.143
- "venchester": p.143
- "wenchester": p.144
- "venchester": p.144
- "wenchesters": p.145
- "vinchester": p.147
- "venchesters": p.148
- "venchester": p.148
- "venchester": p.148
- "wynchester": p.151
- "venchester": p.153
- "wynchester": p.157
- "winchester": p.157
- "venchester": p.160
- "Wynchester": p.177
- "wynchester": p.186
- "wynchester": p.188
- "wynchester": p.193
- "wynchester": p.194
- "wynchester": p.196
- "wynchester": p.197
- "wynchester": p.199
- "wynchester": p.209
- "wynchester": p.221
- "winchester": p.221
- "wynchester": p.221
- "wynchester": p.221
- "wynchester": p.240
- "wynchester": p.242
- "wynchesters": p.242
- "wynchester": p.242
- "wynchester": p.243
- "wynchester": p.243
- "wynchester": p.244
- "wynchester": p.247
- "wynchester": p.247
- "wynchester": p.264
Link :

Type : parish
Mentioned :
- "Chalocke": p.002
- "Tenterden": p.002
- "Sholden": p.002
- "Sandwich": p.002
- "Kent": p.005
- "Kent": p.005
- "saynt Johns in Cantorbery": p.007
- "boughton": p.007
- "the chapter howse": p.009
- "layname": p.009
- "Christes church": p.009
- "the chapter howse": p.010
- "saynt Stevyns": p.010
- "chapter howse": p.011
- "wye": p.011
- "cathedral church of Canturbery": p.011
- "ffeversam": p.012
- "chapter howse": p.013
- "chapter howse": p.013
- "contrey": p.014
- "Boughton": p.014
- "Boughton": p.014
- "Ospringe": p.014
- "Chalocke": p.015
- "Englande": p.016
- "Estwell": p.016
- "saincte Georges church in Caunterbury": p.016
- "Staple": p.016
- "Christchurche": p.016
- "kente": p.017
- "Northfolke": p.017
- "Leneham": p.017
- "kente": p.017
- "maidestone": p.017
- "harisam": p.017
- "Charing": p.017
- "wynchilsey": p.017
- "Charing": p.017
- "kente": p.017
- "windesor": p.020
- "kente": p.021
- "Germanye": p.022
- "Poules in london": p.022
- "kente": p.022
- "westwell": p.022
- "kente": p.022
- "kent": p.023
- "kente": p.023
- "Germanye": p.023
- "Bekisbourne": p.025
- "Rochester": p.025
- "kente": p.025
- "kente": p.026
- "kente": p.026
- "pluckley": p.029
- "pluckley": p.029
- "Saint Elphyns": p.029
- "Sholden": p.029
- "north Mongeam": p.029
- "Rolvynden": p.030
- "Boughton": p.030
- "Boughton": p.030
- "saynt Andres in Canturbery": p.030
- "saynt Mildredes parish": p.031
- "christes church": p.031
- "christes church": p.032
- "Christes church": p.032
- "church of Alyngton": p.032
- "Smeth": p.032
- "kent": p.032
- "saynt Dunstanes church beside Canturbery": p.033
- "Molishe": p.037
- "Chilham": p.037
- "saynte Elphies": p.037
- "Christchurch": p.039
- "his church of Leneham": p.039
- "Leneham": p.039
- "kennyngten churche": p.041
- "kennyngten": p.041
- "Christes church": p.041
- "saint Elphies": p.042
- "Christchurche": p.042
- "Christchurche in Caunterbury": p.042
- "Christes church": p.042
- "Christchurche": p.042
- "England": p.043
- "Scotland": p.043
- "Sandwiche": p.044
- "Sandwiche": p.044
- "this cathedral church": p.045
- "lynne": p.046
- "Selling churche": p.046
- "Selling": p.046
- "Sellynges": p.046
- "Sellinges": p.046
- "Cellinges": p.046
- "saint Stevens": p.047
- "s. Paules": p.047
- "Christchurch": p.048
- "Christchurche": p.049
- "Italy": p.050
- "pluckley": p.050
- "Charing": p.050
- "Edgerton": p.051
- "Sytyngborne": p.054
- "Tunstall": p.054
- "Muston": p.054
- "Appuldore": p.055
- "Appuldore": p.055
- "England": p.056
- "Scotelande": p.056
- "davyngton": p.057
- "yngland": p.058
- "Leneham": p.060
- "Leneham": p.060
- "S. Alpheges": p.060
- "S. Alpheges": p.061
- "Christe churche": p.061
- "alhaloud aye parishe in Canterbury": p.062
- "Davyngton": p.064
- "Spittill house in london": p.065
- "Sittingbourn": p.065
- "Sandwiche": p.065
- "Sandwiche": p.065
- "parrish church in Sandwiche called S. James": p.065
- "Sandwiche": p.065
- "new and old Romney": p.066
- "hernehill": p.066
- "Sandwiche": p.067
- "Lynsted churche": p.068
- "Lynsted": p.068
- "Staple": p.069
- "Staple": p.069
- "s. Johns in Canterbury": p.070
- "ffretynden": p.071
- "hedcorn": p.071
- "Dovor": p.072
- "northegate churche": p.072
- "hothefild": p.072
- "sainct Johnes hospitall": p.072
- "Cathedral church": p.073
- "parrishe of s. petirs": p.074
- "s. petirs parrishe in Caunterbury": p.074
- "thospitall of saincte Jeames": p.074
- "Sevington": p.075
- "Crambroke": p.075
- "Sevyngton": p.075
- "hynxsel": p.075
- "marsam": p.075
- "Northgate churche": p.077
- "Northgate": p.077
- "alhalowe churche of Canterburye": p.077
- "Assheforthe": p.077
- "pevyngtons": p.077
- "saincte Alpheis": p.077
- "Boxley": p.077
- "maidestone": p.077
- "westegate": p.078
- "Westbere": p.080
- "Colchester": p.080
- "barham": p.080
- "saincte Elphis": p.080
- "Leneham": p.082
- "Leneham": p.082
- "Leneham": p.082
- "Leneham": p.083
- "Sittyngbourne": p.083
- "Cranebroke": p.083
- "Colledge at Canterburye": p.084
- "Bocton": p.084
- "the parishe of dodington": p.084
- "kente": p.084
- "Lenham": p.084
- "the churche of Leneham": p.084
- "Leneham": p.084
- "Davyngton": p.084
- "Leneham": p.084
- "Leneham": p.084
- "leneham": p.084
- "Davington": p.084
- "leneham": p.084
- "Boxley": p.087
- "the hous of John May of Boxley": p.087
- "Boxley": p.087
- "maidestone college": p.087
- "maidestone": p.087
- "maideston": p.087
- "maidestone": p.087
- "my lorde Archebishops palace": p.087
- "Sevington": p.088
- "mersham": p.088
- "Savington": p.088
- "Alyngton": p.088
- "Elmested": p.088
- "Charing": p.097
- "Charing": p.097
- "docter londons howse": p.101
- "london": p.101
- "charyng": p.102
- "Kente": p.105
- "the castell of Canterbury": p.105
- "the Castell of Canterburye": p.108
- "kent": p.109
- "kent": p.109
- "London": p.123
- "Saincte Marie Mawdelen in Canterburye": p.123
- "Christis churche of Canterburye": p.123
- "saynct paules": p.127
- "Christis churche in Canterbury": p.133
- "Christis churche in Canterbury": p.133
- "Cambridge": p.133
- "Bevynden": p.135
- "kent": p.137
- "London": p.141
- "london": p.141
- "Kent": p.141
- "kent": p.141
- "Kent": p.142
- "venchester": p.142
- "kent": p.142
- "venchester": p.143
- "venchester": p.143
- "london": p.144
- "vinchester": p.145
- "venchester": p.146
- "vinchester": p.147
- "Kent": p.147
- "london": p.147
- "cryst cherche": p.148
- "salsbere": p.148
- "venchester": p.148
- "venchester": p.150
- "france": p.150
- "venchester": p.150
- "venchester": p.150
- "venchester": p.151
- "winchester": p.151
- "venchester": p.153
- "germany": p.153
- "germane": p.153
- "germany": p.153
- "kent": p.157
- "salsbere": p.160
- "venchester": p.160
- "venchester": p.160
- "maydestone": p.161
- "wye": p.161
- "cryst cherche": p.161
- "lychfeld": p.166
- "westmester": p.166
- "colchester": p.166
- "baram": p.166
- "lychfeld": p.166
- "london": p.166c
- "London": p.166c
- "ynglond": p.166c
- "kent": p.166c
- "london": p.166c
- "wynsor": p.166c
- "London": p.168
- "kent": p.168
- "mr parkhurst house": p.171
- "the paryssh off elmested": p.171
- "mr parkehurst house": p.172
- "cardinale colledge": p.172
- "cardinale college": p.172
- "rogester": p.172
- "Charing": p.173
- "Charing": p.173
- "mr parkhurst house": p.175
- "charyng": p.175
- "lychfeld": p.177
- "heynsam": p.177
- "yn at maydenhede": p.177
- "maydenhede": p.177
- "rochester": p.177
- "christes churche": p.185
- "christes churche": p.185
- "christes churche": p.186
- "christes churche": p.188
- "Christes churche": p.193
- "christes churche": p.196
- "germany": p.198
- "S pawles": p.199
- "the parysche off sayntt aelphegys in Canterbury": p.201
- "the parysche off sayntt aelpheges": p.201
- "sayntt aelpheges": p.201
- "saynt aelpheges": p.201
- "london": p.203
- "kentt": p.203
- "maydstone": p.203
- "christes churche In Canterbury": p.211
- "sayntt aelpheges": p.219
- "sayntt alpheges": p.228
- "christeschurch": p.241
- "christechurch": p.242
- "oxon": p.243
- "oxon": p.243
- "S alphegges": p.245
- "christechurch": p.245
- "barram": p.245
Link :

Source : / Bibliothèque nationale de France