
He preached at ffaversham in festo dedicationis ecclesie Anno. 1542. That the dedications of materiall churches was instituted for the bishoppes profites. and that he could not see by scripture that they might use any suche fasshons for that purpoas. for they use conjurations / and then they must conjure the devill out of the ground / or out of the lyme and stone / And if so then it wer aswell necessary for every mans house to be consecrate or dedicate


Item admitt (quod he) that the dedication of the same wer laufull. yet the bisshoppes shuld alwaies preache, for that is their office / and other men might and may consecrate them, aswel as they.


Item he saied This sumptuouse adornyng of churches is against thold fashon of the primatyve churche / they had no suche coopes nor chalices nor other Jewelles / nor gildinges. nor payntinges of ymages as wee nowe have / and therefore if I wer curate I wold sell all suche thinges or laye them to pledge to help the poore /

John Seth. Rich dryland. laurence manby. John hampton. Nich Burdwach Joseph Berverslay. T Transham. John pellayne. Clement Norton. Tho Deve. Tho Okinfelde. Raynolde Becke. William amoore. Ro. ffynes. Rich Sticknay.

Item at Christmas last there was a generall procession. by the kinges majeste, Mr. Scory preached thies wourdes / Every Contrey hathe a custumme to chuse a patron / as England hath chosen saint George. Scotland saint Andrewe.

"He preached at Faversham in festo Dedicationis ecclesie Anno 1542 that the dedications of material churches was instituted for the Bishops' profits, and that he could not see by Scripture that they might use any such fashions for that purpose; for they use conjurations and then they must conjure the Devil out of the ground, or out of the lime and stone; and if so, then it were as well necessary for every man's house to be consecrate or dedicate. Item, admit, quod he, that the dedication of the same were lawful, yet the Bishops should always preach, for that is their office, and other men might and may consecrate them as well as they. Item, he said This sumptuous adorning of churches is against the old fashion of the primitive Church. They had no such copes or chalices nor other jewels, nor gildings, nor paintings of images as we now have, and therefore if I were curate I would sell all such things, or lay them to pledge to help the poor." (Note by Cranmer : John Seth, Rich. Dryland, Lawrence Manby, John Hampton, Nich. Burdwast, Joseph Beverslay, T. Transham, John Pellayne, Clement Norton, Tho. Dove, Tho. Okinfelde, Raynold Becke, Will'm a Moore, Ro. Fynes, Rich. Sticknay.) ["Item, at Christmas last there was a general procession by the King's Majesty. Mr. Scory preached these words : Every country hath a custom to choose a patron, as England hath chosen St. George, Scotland St. Andrew