p. 042

20 Septembre: 1543,
He preached in a Sermon made at saint Elphies on thassention day Anno 1541. he saied That there is none in heaven but Christ only Bradkirke preist. Mr Shether. John marden Rob Colman. Thies iiii be witnes agaynst al the articles of Rydley & Scory in the first detection made to me ii yeres past.
prayour in onglish
He preached in August last in the chapter hous of Christchurche. That no man may praye in any wise in laten or other tounge Except he understand what he prayeth. Adding that priestes and clarkes do offend taking any money or reward for saying dirige and masse, Doctor Thornden.
He saieth that som preachers brought in their sermons gesta Romanorum, persuading to the people that is was the gospell of the bible, D. Thornden.
He preached the iiiith sondaie in lent Anno 1541 in Christchurche in Caunterbury. That only faith justifieth, / and he that dothe deny that only faith dothe justifye / would denye if he durst be so s bold That Christ dothe justifye, Gardiner, hunt. Cockes of Christes church.
He preached in a Sermon made at Christchurche that the Supper of the lorde whiche is sacrificium et hostia. is not hostia pro peccates: but hostia laudis,

20 Sept. 1543.Scorye. He preached at St. Elphie's on Ascension Day 1541 that there is none in Heaven but Christ only. (Note by Cranmer : "Bradkirke priest, Mr. Shether, John Marden, Rob. Colman; these four be witness against all the articles of Ridley and Scory in the first detection made to me 2 years past.") "He preached in August last in the Chapter house of Christ church that no man may pray in anywise in Latin or other tongue, except he understand what he prayeth; adding that priests and clerks do offend, taking any money or reward for saying Dirige and mass." (Note by Cranmer : Dr. Thornden.) He says that some preachers brought in their sermons Gesta Romanorum, persuading the people that it was the Gospel or the Bible. (Note by Cranmer. Dr. Thornden.) He preached the 4th Sunday in Lent 1541 in Christchurch, Canterbury, that only faith justifieth, and he that doth deny that only faith doth justify would deny, if he durst be so bold, that Christ doth justify. (Note by Cranmer : Gardiner, Hunt, Cockes of Christchurch.) He preached at Christchurch "that the supper of the Lord which is Sacrificium et hostia is not hostia pro peccatis but hostia laudis."