p. 282

Item whether Serlys and Schether wer Accused by men wych were notyd by common ffame to be off Evyll opynyon for prechynge & who they were that dyd accuse them To thys I Awnsswere that I dyd not kno there Accusers
Item whether the honest of there Audyence offerd them Selvys to Testyfye that they wer ffalsly Accused. and that wych was leyde age Agaynst them was not Trewe. And Althow they were a grete Numbre yete cowde not be Admytted. And who they were that so offred theme Selvys. And whyther they offered them Selvys or Serelys Requyred them to be Examyned To thys I sey as I remebre that there was dyverse dyverse came. I thynke browght yn by mr Serlys. and were not Examyned. Whether they offered them Selvys to Swere or any requyryng for them to be Sworne I am not Suer there off but there certen that dyd Apere. I thynke Surely for the Same purpose
Item whether ffalce personnes men of Evill fame for suspecte opynyons Though they were but ii or iii were admytted To thys I Awnsswere as I dyd Afore I dyd not kno there Accusers
Item whether Serelys & Schether were Innocent prechers. and so beyng Innocent were condempned Thone to preson. and Thother to Reade a declaracion off ffalce Surmysed Articles & by whom thone was commytted to preson. To thys I sey for the ffyrst parte I my selffe have herd them dyverse Tymys prech. I never dyd perceve yn my heryng but that they dyd preche well and war Innocence for precheyng yll / mr Schether was Commawnded to declare hys Articles upon A Stole I thynke by My lord of Canterbury. mr Schether Serlys commawnded to preson at Whoys commawndement I can not tell but by my lordes grace seyng at shall be by the Cowncell

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.