Articles send to me Richard parkehurste to make A Awnsswere unto/by my lord off Caunterbury

Item whyther tharchBysshop dyd of consystory that the kynges plesure was to have iii prechers of the new lernyng & iii of tholde Thys Aw ys Awnssweryd to yn the Article where my lord dyd Rebuke mr Serlys for prechyng


In primis whether they presented unto Tharchbysshopp off Caunterbury the selfsame Articles that be conteyned yn the Boke of complaynt. or whether be more or ffewer off or Sum Altered by addycyon off woordes To thys y Awnsswere. I had never the Boke off complaynt yn my handes nor dyd here Thorowly here them Red and but very ffew of them / same soych as mr sayntleger & I dyd put up to my lordes grace / There ys yn the Boke off complaynt sum Addycyon of woordes mo then mr Sayntleger & I dyd put up to my lord


Item whether the wytnes browght yn. dyd prove al the Seyde Articles. To thys I sey that I have no knolege whether the wytneses dyd prove the seyde Articles or no. for y dyd never se the Booke off Examynacyon


Item whether they lefte owte thre Articles that be for wer presented To thys y sey that I was not of knolege what they wer that were lefte owte nether yete why nor wherefore the were lefte owte


Item whether Tharchebysshopp of Caunterbury dyd Rebuke Serlys for that he preched that ymages myght be permytted yn the Churche as representors off Saynttes and not ydollys To thys y sey that my lordes grace dyd challenge mr Serelys for prechyng but I do not Remembre that hys grace dyd Rebuke or chalenge the seyde mr Serelys for that he preched that ymagys myght be permytted yn the Church as representors off Saynttes. thys I remembre well that my lordes grace Asked off mr Serelys seyng / Cuid quid est Idolum. mr Serelys Awnsswered & seyd. Idolum est nichill / then seyd my lord / after the Greke ydolum & ymago ar all one. then Seyde mr Gardener I cannot tel I kno not the Greke. But that ys Idolum to when honer ys Gevyn wych sholde be Gevyn to cryst // After that my lord seyde that he had put yn iii prechers off the oolde lernyng & iii of the new. Then seyde mr Gardener that ys a mene to set A dyvysyon. then my lordes grace seyde as I remebre now that hyt was the kynges plesure or the kynge woolde have hyt so / for the Second parte that my lordes grace shold so sey yn the Consystory. Threwly I was not there where for y can sey nothyng to that

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.