p. 283
Item whyther they that woolde speke A gaynst Evyll/opynyons dar not for yff they doo they be complayned off on and called seydyous Sedyciouse personnes stieryng the people to commocions And by whom they be so Callyd To thys I sey I Remembre not to kno of Any such persones
Item whether complayning to ther ordynarye at hys handys they gete nothyng but dyplasure. And the party Evyll prechyng mych ffavore and Boldener. And who hath had dysplesure of the ordynarye for complaynyng A gaynst yll prechers. And what yll prechers hath had ffavor & Booldenes at there ordynares handes To thys I awnswere that I remembre off no complayntes made to the ordynary other then Swych that mr Sayntleger & I dyd put up A Booke at my lordes grace s commaundement concernyng prechyng. As concernyng dysplesure that we had or shall have for that I do / not kno of Any
Item wher ii ymages off Cryst and ii of our lady where unto nether oblacyon was done. nether lyght Standyng. were taken downe by tharchbysshoppys commawndement. both by mowght & by letters. And what Theffecte of the lettyres was To thys I Awnswere that I dyd not kno any oblacyon and nor lyghtys set be fore any of the seyd ymages. as y Remembre mr Commyssary dyd commawnded them to be pullyd downe yn my lorde Archbysshoppys Name Thys was my lordes letter as I can call to Remembrence concernyng the seyde ymages // As I am Credably ynformyd that there be yn your church ymages Abused. Al such y wolde you sholde pully pul them downe
Item what woord my Baker sent from london by mr Serlys To thys I Awnswere. I donot Remembre that the seyde mr Baker dyd send any woord by the seyd mr Serlys
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.