p. 284
Item what Boke it was that was last sent to doctor Wyllewby by mr Schethers servant what the mater there of was & when hyt was made & sent To thys y sey I do not Remebre of any Booke that shold be sent to doctor wyllowby by mr Schethers servauntes servauntes nor what the mater was yff there war Any sent ner when hyt was made or sent
Item where for they advysed Schether to wryte to doctor wyllowby to geet hym owte of the wey. or to Repayre to the Cowrte or to sum other off hys fryndes To thys y sey that this communicacyon I herd who seyde hyt I do not Remembre. I thynke thys was the Cause that he sholdenut cum yn to my lord of Canterberys handes for A tyme
Item what Indyghtment that was wych mr parkhurst Red one/nyght at Seper when they Talked of the Cessyons of the vi Articles whoys Indyghtment it was & where he had hyt To thys I Awnsswere that I red the seyde Indyghtment at my Borde concernyng mr Scory wych Indyghtment I dyd Receve off the clerke off pece After that hyt was wretyn but hyt was not sent upe to the Jury
Item whether mr Baker seyde to parkehurst Gardener & Schether when they were at london that there sholde be A commyssyon yn kent Shortly To thys I sey / as y Remebre the seyde mr Baker seyde thyse woordes as he dyd thynke or hyt be long there Sholde A commyssyon cum dawne yn to kent
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.