Item the same day and sermon he saied that the holly gooste was neither in this place nor that as Christ was never in Italy: nor never spake of Italy. but if thou wilt have the holly goost (saied he) seeke hym in his wourde and in thy hart,

26 Septembre 1543,


holy water

Lancaster parsonne of pluckley useth neither in the churche porche any hally water according to the laudable custume of the churche,

holy bread

Item a great part of his parish usith not to receyve hally breade, Item going on procession he useth not to reherse sancta maria or any other Saintz names,

Steven Giles of Charing saying in the presence of of the parsonne of pluckey henry Giles and other. That he blissed hym self daily and nightly Saying in nomine patri &c And that he saied in thonour of god and our lady. and all the company of heaven and for all christen soules that god would have prayed for a pater noster, an Ave and a Crede. The parson of pluckley said That if he knew it of truthe. that thesaid Steven used thesame fourme of prayer, he wold not accompany hym, nor ones Drunk with hym. This Steven Giles hathe knouledged this to be true before Sir Thomas moyle /

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.