The curate of muche Mongeham

24 Septembris Anno 1543

The curate of moche mongeham

The curate of muche mongeham goyng on procession refuseth and will in no wise syng nor say the lateny in suche maner as all other curates doo

Robert Newington

24 Septembris 1543.

Robert Newyngton

Robert Newyngton of Edgerton resisteth to come to comme to the Sepulcher at the tyme of Easter withoute their were brede and drinke their, he hath rebuked other that have don it


He hath refused and resisted against making of lightes aboute the rode lofte


He saith that it ys Idolatry to the Sepulture he refuseth to goo a procession. Gilbert Bacheler.

Thomas makeblythe of Canterbury barbour

26 Septembris Anno 1543

Thomas makeblythe


Thomas makeblith Barbour of Canterbury did not bere palme on palme sondaye last past, but rede the bible in procession tyme

On easter daye last past he went into a corner at the resurrection tyme, and went not a procession as other did


  • James Rolf
  • Jo Thatcher seniour
  • Jo maske
  • Thomas Brameston

Mr. Isaac n

Mr. Isaac toke a preiste named Sir Thomas, and put into a seculer mannys apparell, made hym a horsekeper


  • william kempe
  • Nicolas Raynoldes.
  • Thomas Calcot &
  • the vicar of Northgate
  • Nicolas Raynolde
  • Thomas Calcot and other of the
  • otherparish of Northgate.

The curate of Much Mongeam, 24 Sept., 1543.

In going on procession he will sing no litany.

Rob. Newington, 24 Sept. 1543.

Refuses to come to the Sepulchre at Easter "unless there were bread and drink there," and has rebuked others for doing it. "He hath refused and resisted against making of lights about the rood loft;" says "it is idolatry to the Sepulture," and refuses to go in procession.

Thos. Makeblyth of Canterbury, barber, 26 Sept. 1543.

Did not bear palm last Palm Sunday, but read the Bible in procession time. On Easter day he went into a corner at the Resurrection time and went not a procession as others did. Mr. Isaac took a priest named Sir Thomas, put him in secular apparel and made him a horsekeeper.