p. 082

Thomas Dawby nowe parson of wycheling sumtyme Curate of Leneham
Anno domino nostro Reges 32
ffirste the said parson divers and many tymes procured and mayntened dyvers and many persons aswell of Leneham as of other parishes to rede the bible even at the quire doore where divine service was song or said frome the begynnyng of the service to the ending with as lowe avoyce thei coulde
He went into the pulpet incontynent with the kinges graces Injunctions and in suche wise expownded theym, that as he said, it was lawfull for al maner of men to reade the bible at all tymes And that no man ought or myght at any tyme discorage theym And said there be men that goo yf synggyng and playing were to godes honour as men wolde have it seme to be, thinke you that our prince wolde have pulled down theis Abbes as he hath do Witnes Robert Pratte / John Parkehurste / Stephen ffryer. christofer Stoners / John dyve / Robert Williamson
aesno anno
vi articles
Item. That all maner of men frome the higheste degree to the loweste, may not only marye, but were bounde to marye rather than to burne / Witnes John Parkehurste Robert Williamson / Stephen ffryer
Anno domini 1542 circitur feste natal domini
Item, he said that Christes passion is alone sufficient for all oure synnes partely dispysyng good wourkes, and penaunce when he had good occasion many tymes to speake of thembe
Item that good warkes were nor parte of our salvacion witnes Sir John Abbey, Robert pratte, John Parkehurst christofer Stoners, Robert Williamson, John dyve, Stephen ffryer /
Anno 1539
Item he said our Ladie was no better than an other woman and said she was but a sacke to put christe in / Witnes John adown and his wife and Symon Peckemans wife
Anno 1541
Item the said parson toke down and spoiled divers Images in the said churche to the nomber of viii or moore that never were abused by any pilgrymage contrary to the kinges Injunction, Witnes William Parterige / Robert Prate / John Parkehurste, Stephen ffryer / John dive /
Item he procured and sterid one Sir John abbey now Curate of Leneham to take the key of the churche doore secretly from the sextens house, and to go privily into the churche, and toke down one Image more of our Ladie pytie, and brake her in peces, which is the fairest Image in the churche & never abused Witnes Sir John Abbey

Thos. Dawby, now parson of Wycheling, sometime curate of Leneham, many times procured persons of Leneham and other parishes "to read the Bible, even at the choir door where divine service was sung or said, from the beginning of the service to the ending, with as low a voice as they could." He went into the pulpit incontinent with the King's injunctions, and expounded them that it was lawful for all manner of men to read the Bible at all times and that no one ought to discourage them. "And said if singing and playing were to God's honor as men would have it seem to be, think you that our Prince would have pulled down these abbeys as he hath done?" Also that all men from the highest to the lowest, were not only free to marry, but were bound to marry rather than to burn. Also (1542 about Christmas) that Christ's Passion is alone sufficient for all our sins, partly despising good works and penance, when he had occasion to speak of them; and that good works were no part of our salvation. Also (1539) that Our Lady was no better than another woman, and that "she was but a sack to put Christ in." He took down eight or more images in the said church "that never were abused by any pilgrimage," contrary to the King's injunction. He induced Sir John Abbey, now curate of Leneham, "to take the key of the church door secretly from the sexton's house and to go privily into the church, and take down one image more of Our Lady Pity, and brake her in pieces; which is the fairest image in the church and never abused."