p. 037

The Vicar of Chilham named Doctour willoughbye
a Shryne
In primis why the said vicar of Chilham having speciall comandement by vertue of the kinges highnes lettres frome hull, doith yet kepe in his churche a certeyn Shryne gilted named saincte Austens shryne, which shrine was conveyed frome saincte Austens in Canterbury unto the parishe churche of Chilham at the suppression of the monesterye, of saincte Austens
Item a rode there which had shoes of sylver, being a monument of pilgrymage or offering standith yet still, being only spoiled of the monumente / Mr. Commyssary can tell of it
Item he said that ymages had powre of god to helpe sicke people vowing unto theym, the example communication then being of our ladie of Cutupstrete, betwene the said vicar and one Dawson of Charteham myller, being present Mr. petite the chauntry preste of Chiham, and the parishe preiste of Chih Chilham
Memorandum of his incontynencye to examen Stryngar and his wife and the curate of Molishe
Memorandum that Potters wife was banyshed oute of ffeversham for her susspecte lyving with Doctor Willoughby, and also was compellid to forsake Chilham for the same aboute ii or iii yeres paste, and yet she remayneth in the company of the said doctor
Wherfore he reported in Canterbury and Chilham aboute Whitesontide laste paste, that iii or IIII of my lorde of Canterburys servantes wolde have bett hym, and howe thei knewe that thei were my lorde of Canterburies servantes. ffriderickes widowe of saynte Elphies, leonarde Stryngar. Item whither thei he did not ymagen that thei were his servauntes to bring hym and his servauntes into slander

xxvii. The Vicar of Chilham named Dr. Willoughby. Why he, having special commandment by the King's letters from Hull, (fn. 25) "doth yet keep in his church a certain shrine gilted named St. Austin's shrine; which shrine was conveyed from St. Austin's in Canterbury unto the parish church of Chilham at the suppression of the monastery of St. Austin's." (2.) "A rood there, which had shoes of silver, being a monument of pilgrimage or offering, standeth yet still, being only spoiled of the monument. Mr. Commissary can tell of it." (3.) "Item, he said that images had power of God to help sick people vowing unto them, the communication then being of Our Lady of Cutupstrete between the said vicar and one Dawson of Chartham, miller, being present Mr. Petite, the chantry priest of Chiham (sic) and the parish priest of Chilham." (4.) "Md. of his incontinency, to examine Stryngar and his wife and the curate of Molishe." (5.) "Md. that Potter's wife was banished out of Feversham for her suspect living with Dr. Willoughby, and also was compelled to forsake Chilham for the same about 2 or 3 years past, and yet she remaineth in the company of the said Doctor." (6.) "Wherefore he reported in Canterbury and Chilham, about Whitsuntide last past, that 2 or 3 of my lord of Canterbury's servants would have bett him and how they knew that they were my lord of Canterbury's servants."Friderick's widow of St. Elphies, Leonard Stryngar. (7.) "Whether he did not imagine that they were his servants, to bring him and his servants into slander."