p. 036

That there was one straite waye to the truth in which waye all men have gone a long tyme, saving a fewe nowe of late not being content to folowe that trade, hath wandered in divers path waies to seke a nerer waye unto the truth, but thei arr like unto one, that being cleane loste, was fayne to aske, whiche waye he myght goo to thende of his jorneye And to suche it was answered, you be cleane oute of the waye, and there is none other meane for you, but even to turne backe agayne, and to begynne your jorney againe where you lefte, Nothing attall admonishing the people of the waye whiche men had loste by defending and reteynyng the usurpacion of Rome, Nor of no mention that the kinges Majestie hath reformed the abuses of supersticious Religion, but even as one, that wold have all thinges honestely reformed to reverte againe into thair supersticion for the mayntenaunce of all blindenes and errour, comanded every man to turne backe, and to begynne where thei lefte. Dr. Nicolas Rydley. Dr. Lancelot Ridley. Mr. Drumme, Mr. Scory, Mr. Broke. Mr. Nevil, Toftes, Kesham.
Browne of Charteham
the kynges supremicie
He promised unto James Terrey a lease of his house for x yeres, and after Indentures made dischargid hym, for none other cause, but that the said Terrey founde fawte with the Indentures that the kynges title of supremecie was left oute, Sir Richarde Turner James Terrey and Badcocke.
offerynge of candelles
Item at Candelmas was xii moneth. he for hym and his wife alone offered Candelles unto the Roode contrary unto the kynges Injunctions, witnes the hole parishe He will not pay his tythes as he hath used to do in tymes past Sir Richard Turner
Item he repyneth at the collection, for the aide againste the Turkes, witnes Mr. Evias and Mr. hedde,

xxv. Shether. That there was one straight way to the truth, which all men have gone a long time, saving a few now of late, who have wandered in divers pathways to seek a nearer way. These were like one who being clean lost continually asked his way and was told "You be clean out of the way and must turn back again to where you left." Nothing at all admonishing the people of the way which men had lost by defending and retaining the usurpation of Rome; nor of no mention that the King's majesty hath reformed the abuses of superstitious religion"; but bidding them revert to their superstition and blindness.D. Nico. Rydley, D. Lancelot Ridley, Mr. Drumme, Mr. Scory, Mr. Broke, Mr. Nevil, Toftes, Kesham. xxvi. Browne of Charteham promised a lease to Jas. Terry and after the indenture was drawn discharged him because the King's title of Supremacy was left out.Sir Ric. Tur[ner], Jas. Terry and Badcocke. (2.) At Candlemas was 12 month he, for him and his wife alone, offered candles to the rood against the King's injunctions. Witness, the whole parish. (3.) He will not pay his tithes as in times past (Turner). He repines at the collection for the aid against the Turks. Witnesses, Mr. Evias and Mr. Hedde.