p. 038

Burgrave a bryckeleyer
- Mr. Evias of Charteham;
- Maistres dartenall;
- mydeltons wife of Charteham
Memorandum to examen the the said brickeleyer of theis wourdes, That my Lorde of Canterburye preachid like a wurshipfull prelate that praied vii yeres before the bisshop of Rome fell, that the said bisshop myght be expelled this Realme. Item whither he said that xxti in canterburye wolde saye asmoch as he had said, Adding that it became my lorde of Canterbury to preache as Mr. hadley did and other moo of tholde fasshion
Memorandum to examyn Sir Antony Brownes Chaplaine what wordes he spake of me at wickam in the presence of one Gybbes of westbere. I Examyn first the said Gibbes, yong Toftes & Antony may of ffordich.
Memorandum to examyn kempe what treason he knoweth by Toftes Mr Evias and Mr hedde Starkey.
Item Mr. Crosse for kepynge of advent fast.
Item to examyn Sir Thomas Bynge parson of Milton by whose meanes the image of s. margaret, takyn downe by the vertue of the kynges lettres sent from hull, was set up agayne & how many of Chartam were of cowncel therof
Memorandum to examyn the complaint of Bridge and Barton.

xxviii. Burgrave, a bricklayer. To examine him of these words : "That my lord of Canterbury preached like a worshipful prelate that prayed 7 years before the Bishop of Rome fell that the said Bishop might be expelled this realm."Margin : "Mr. Evias of Charteham, Maistres Dartenall." (2.) Whether he said that 20 in Canterbury would say as much as he had said, adding that it became my lord of Canterbury to preach as Mr. Hadley did, and other mo of the old fashion." (3 (fn. 26).) "To examine Sir Anthony Browne's chaplain what words he spake of me at Wickam in the presence of one Gybbes of Westbere. Examine first the said Gibbes, young Toftes and Anthony May of Fordich." (4 (fn. 26).) "To examine Kempe what treason he knoweth by Toftes. Starkey." (5 (fn. 26).) "Item, Mr. Crosse for keeping of Advent fast." (6 (fn. 26).) "Item, to examine Sir Thomas Bynge, parson of Milton, by whose means the image of St. Margaret, taken down by the virtue of the King's letters sent from Hull, was set up again, and how many of Chartam were of counsel thereof." (7 (fn. 26).) "Md., to examine the complaint of Bridge and Barton." Pp. 10.