


In a Sermon made in the chapiter house of Christchurch in August in Anno 1543 by hym he spake thus apon this text - Ex fructibz etc. some occupye this place of preaching. say no mattens. masse. nor evensong ones in a quarter. They be never seen confessed nor to occupye porteouse nor masse boke. Thies use no vocall praier. beware of their doctrine. D. Thornden

In a Sermon made in the daye of Thassumption of our lady last past in his church of Leneham. he said that as the man in the moone is in the full at xiiii daies. Evenso mary was conceyved fully with christe whan she was xiiii yeres old

Item he saied That if one had loked in Marye whan she was full conceyved with Christ. shuld have perceyved hym in his mothers wombe with a bush of thornes on his backe, for he was crucified crowned and pricked with thorne, Item he saied That marye bare Christe poorely for she had no feare fyer. for. but begged a cole of one and. a sticke of another to warme her child.


Item he preached that mary nurrishid her sonne with mylke, but not with materiall mylke. but with mylke that cam from heaven. for no woman can nurrishe her child with materiall mylke. but she that is conceyved by knouledge of man

VII. Further depositions. Against Serles for a sermon made in the chapterhouse of Christch in Aug. 1543 on the text Ex fructibus &c. and other sermons elsewhere. He warned his hearers against preachers who said no matins, mass nor evensong once in a quarter and never confessed nor "occupied" porteous or mass-book, or used vocal prayer.(Witness D. Thornden.) At Leneham on the feast of Assumption of Our Lady last he said, as the moon was full at 14 days, even so Mary was conceived fully with Christ when she was 14 years old; also, that if one had looked in Mary when she was full conceived with Christ he should have perceived him in his mother's womb with a bush of thorns on his back; that Mary bore Christ poorly for she had no fire, but begged a coal of one and a stick of another to warm her child; that she nourished her son with milk, not material milk but milk that came from heaven; for no woman can nourish her child with material milk but she that is conceived by knowledge of man;