p. 166

Apon palme sonday evyn at the cort kept at whygthe halle y met with doctor london of chaunse havyng the dean of lychfeld by the harme which seyd that he must nedes speake with me by fore my departyng & y taryed hyme at the counsel dore un tyll he came owt frome the councell to know hys mynd & then he was takyn from me by a gentelman that y could not then speake with hym the next day on palme sonday mornyng Mr doctor tresham mette me & seyd that doctor london servant was at westmester to seke me & continently y went to hys house yn sylvar streat wher he seyd that y could never cum yn better season for the kynges councel ar now besy occapyed for to
extirpe all heresys wher fore go ye to your yn & wryt suche articles erronous as hath ben prechyd yn your partes & y departyd & wrot thes articles folowyng that on jon bocher as yt ys seyd abjuryd of heresy at colchester for opinions susteynyd ageynst the sacrament of the aulter which hath syth spoken & defendyd openly here erronous opinions yn caunterbury by fore many and yet she ys qwyt by a pardon. Item than on Sir gylys curat of baram by the space of ii or iii yeres mynystryd all maner of sacramentes & after was maried and as yt ys seyd was no prest. Item that Mr scory & master rydley were compleynyd on for ther prechyng & wer not ponisshyd as ther fellous wer Item that sum prechyd openly that ther ys heresy yn the wordes of blessyng of holy brede & holy water. Item that privat massys ar not a vaylable for soules departyd Item other prechyd a geynst confession auricular & sum a geynst the pluckyng up of the rood clozthe on palme sonday & a geynst other cerimonys yn the churche usyd & admyttyd: then after dyner on palme sonday y brouthe to hyme the articles above wryttyn & by the wey y mett with Mr doctor wylloby & told hym the newys that doctor london shewyd un to me that for the extirpation of heresys commissions, as he thowgth shold be directyd to every shyar yn englond & then doctor wylloby & y went to gether to doctor london house wher when doctor london had redd myn articles a bove wrytten he ynstantly desyred me to present theme to the councell with hym which y refucyd to do by cause y was of late yn trobull then Mr london requyryd me to sett to my hand to the seyd articles and y seyd y wold not by cause they were not provyd by wytnes byt only apon hersey then Mr london was yn a grett fury & rage with me & began to trethen me be fore the dean of lychfeld & doctor wylloby & seyd y shold not chose for he wold cause me to be sent & compell me by the kynges councell to set to my handes to wytnes them or els yt shold be to hys gret dyshoneste for he had shewyd them as he seyd un to diverse worshypfull men wherfore y shold not so go backe to plucke my hede out of the colar also he seyd now yt apperyth that ye are very muted & inconstant fore feare of my lorde the archbischope of caunterbury ponisment then he desyryd doctor wylloby to go with hym be fore the councell to present the articles & after long request & yntrettans made doctor wylloby was content & consentyd to go with hyme: then doctor london begon to pen them

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.