
Item yt was commenyd as y remembre yn mr parkehurst house petite beyng present that yn the cardinales tyme at oxford ther ware of the cardinale colledge & other places yn oxford a bouth a xxxth yn number abiuryd & troblyd for susteynyng & kepyng of leutars bokes & at that tyme they seyd mr markame was student yn the cardinale college & whether he was on of the nomber or no they could not suerly tell

Item to the rest of all that volume y can sey nothyng

Item the boke that sir thomas moyle sent to doctor london was a boke off articles concernyng turnare the vicare of osprynges & the commissary

Item y came to mr chaunsler of rogester at morow masse yn the mornyng & seyd  we can gett no councel of the law yn the cyte y c to make up owr bokes after the forme the forme of the law y pray yow ynforme my lorde grace of that same & he seyd that yt ys my lordes pleasure that ye shold have lernyd councell he wyl deny yow non that ye can name yn the cyte & seyd summe of them lacke lernyng & sume lacke practyse & mr chauncelor seyd take mr smyzth for he ys wel lernyd & wher as he dowttes yn hys lernyng he may boldly resorte to mr hussey for aqwayntans sake which may ynstructe & helpe hyme wher as he dowtys

Item doctor wylloby & y have convenyd be fore passion sonday thwyse or thryse of turnar prechyng & the vicare of osprynge which by ther prechyng seyd trublyd & unquieted the hole countre & seyd yf w no mane wold enform the councel, ther of he wold & durst be so bold by cause he ys a chaplen to the kynge & had good a qwayntans yn the corte

by me robart Serlys

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.