
to the fyrst second & thyrd articles y can sey nothyng for y was absent at oxford


to the iiii articles my lordes grace dyd not rebuke me for that y prechyd that images myzgth be permyttyd yn the churche as representers of seyntes but by cause y seyd & affyrmyd that any image was not any idole


Item to the vth the archbishope seyd openly yn the consistorythat he had chosen & taken vi prechars iii of the old sort & iii of the new to the entend that they conferryng ther lernyng to gether shold bult & try owt the trewzth & farther y can not sey


Item to the vith that Serlys & Shethar wer accusyd by the wytnes & testimony of men of evyl fame notyd yn the cyte as by sterky toftes mey daniel & thwyire


they wytnes wer obiectyd ageynst by me yn the consistory by for the iugers by reson of an opyn fame & by cause they wer yndityd of heresy


Item to the viith ther cam from hotfeld were serlys prechyd & was accusyd iii honest men of that same parysh which offeryd them selfe to be examined & to depose that the seyd serlys was falsley accusyd the on was callyd bulle the other john gren & the iiith wa ys namyd rycard & they taryed at caunterbury & could not be admittyd for yt was aunsheryd that a negatyve yn the law could never be provyd

Item to the ixth xth xith & xiith y can sey nothyng

Item what word mr baker seye sent them from london by serlys y have expressyd & confessyd yn my boke a fore delyveryd

Item to the same article what yndytment was redde at mr parkhurst table &c as y remembre me ther was on wylliam payne late undersheryff at supper or dyner yn mr parkhurst house which redd ther openly a for the sessions a copy & a forme of endytment for pluckyng downe of images yn the paryssh off elmested & thys forme & copy he then delyveryd to mr parkehurst & he redd in yt ther as y remembre

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.