22 Septembris 1543

Mr. Ridley prebendary


He preached at saint Stevens in the Rogation weeke Anno Regis 32, and saied that Auriculier confession was but a mere positive lawe and ordeyned as a godly meane for the synner to com to the preest for counsaill. but he could not fynd it in scriptur, witnes parkehurst, hunt, the vicar of s. Paules.


Item he preached in thesaid Rogation weeke and said that there was no metter terme to be geven unto the Ceremonies of the churche, than to call them begerly Ceremoines, wytnes parkehurst, hunt,  Gardiner

Item That Te deum hathe been songen commonly in englishe at herne where the said Mr. doctour Ridley is vicar witnes parkehurst, hunt, Mr Seth, william See. Stevyn Sayer. with other of the parish.

24 Septembre 1543

Joan frenche



Joane ffrenche denyed the sacrament of thaulter saying that it was none other. But a figure or memory of Christes passion. and hath also spoken against ceremonies of the churche Mr parkehurst

Henry Tillet

He is suspected to be of evill opinions and hathe spoken against the ceremonies of the churche

Item he hath red the bible contrary to the kinges ordenances and Injunctions

(NOTE FROM ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPTION:Pp. 47. Names of witnesses have been omitted for brevity in the latter part of these depositions.)22 Sept. 1543.Mr. Ridley, prebendary, preached at St. Stephen's in Rogation week 32 H. VIII. that "auricular confession was but a mere positive law, and ordained as a godly mean for the sinner to come to the priest for counsel; but he could not find it in Scripture." (Ws., Parkehurst, Hunt, the vicar of St. Paul's); "that there was no meeter term to be given to the ceremonies of the Church than to call them beggarly ceremonies." (Ws., Parkehurst, Hunt, Gardiner.) The Te Deum has been commonly sung in English at Herne where he is vicar. (Ws., Mr. Seth, Wm. Lee, Steph. Sayer and others of the parish.) 24 Sept. 1543.Joan Frenche denied the Sacrament of the Altar, saying it was but a figure or memory of Christ's Passion and has spoken against the ceremonies of the Church. Henry Tillet is suspected to be of evil opinions, has spoken against the ceremonies of the Church and has read the Bible contrary to the King's injunctions.