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emong them at a nonappy tyme I may say that woo worthe all falssyd for hit hathe never good hende so that now I sobmyt my selffe to god & to my lordes grace with as meche sorow in my harte for myne offence as ever toke man & take god to my jugge I know no more of this mater then I have Resyttyd
also master schether sent his man to me of sonday before alsolue day byddyng me In ane wysse not to be knowne of notheng for thay had nor wolde confese notheng & that I schold go to his broder parson with his man & ther I scholde know more of his mynde for he was sworne not to wrytt to me bot he had wryttyn to his broder & of hym I scholde know all & theder I went with his man & he sade unto me as his man had done before that I scholde otter no theng to docter cokes & master husse for he thowght that thay were come to tatche me. & then hyffe I dyd speke with them that then I scholde say that I Resavyd no artekylles bot only of cokeson weche is dede & this was bot to breng me In danger & to skusse skewsse them selves
also at that same tyme I hast schethers man wheder he had bene with my lorde of venchester sence the comyng downe of my lordes grace or no & he sayde ye & that he had tolde my lorde of wynchester how men were handylte for settyng forthe of the trewthe & my lorde of winchester answerde & sayde my lorde of cantorbere can not kyll them let them soffer for all this makys aganst hym sellf ye schall se what wyll come of hit byd them be mere this same talle the parson master schethers broder tolde me to
also master schether at the comyng upp of the prebenderes to london he pot all the holle mater to master forde that mared his syster to coppy which was aboke of ii dayes labor what was the contentes ther of I know not I thenke all the holle mater compyllyd to geder
also master thornton I spake with hym before my dore in london & prayde hym to instrocte yor grace or som of your offesars of the trewthe as consernig my parte how this mater stode & whoo was the doers & that I never acussyd man nor pot artekyll aganste none In my lyffe nor cannot & say trew wenig to me that he wolde have tolde your grace & he bad me stike to hit for he had tolde the consell his mynde here in hym selffe as he was bounde to do & so do yow for your owne descharge
By me John wyllughby
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.