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delever them to my lorde of venchester & that same day he mastlondon tolde me that on of the consell sayde when he schoyde them the artekylles afore presentyd that on of them scholde say that seche asesme was in this Reme In kyng hery the vte days that the kynges grace goyng in to france on Sir john holl castyll had a thousind heretykes or x thousand for to in vade the Reme In the kynges absence for I keppte the the wrytynges my selffe that was aganst my lorde tyll thay sett them of me them selves weche was the same tyme that the men of cantorbere was come up aganst ther curet or parson & so thay went to the consell for the nexte day thei were mere & sayde thay had meche comforde bothe of master baker & of my lorde of venchester & as fer as I thenke thay tolde me that master pettye pot upp his atikylles that day weche was ne abominabyll what thay vere I wott not, nor of ther comyng up I knew nothyng tyll I se them then ii dayes to geder I went to my lorde of venchester & laborde un to hym prayng hym to be god lorde unto me that thes artekylls scholde not be pot upp in my name & he sayde tha scholde not sayng un to me that hyffe thay wer trew hit scholde be plesur un to me by casse I dyd my dewte ther in & hyffe thay be false the promotters ther of scholde be blamyd & not you I of the weche wordes I was well comforde & then he bad that what persons or artekylles so ever come upp that thay scholde resort to master baker for the kynges grace had pot all this mater in his handes also anoder tyme I was with mylorde goyng to his bargewarde & had hym recomendyd from master gardener & that he wolde be good lorde onto hym for the benifys of hadham & schovdhym what panes he had takyn In this mater as he bad me bot he made me no answer & I never went nor labord ferder in this mater save only the day efter the prebynders went home I went to master london & he prayd me to bryng hym to master moyll yet fyrst I went & knew master moylles plesur & he was contentt & theder he come & I went with hym for he was aungre that all thos which was sent upp by the justices that he browght them not to the consell bot alway to your grace & so I thenke he tolde hym for I harde hym say to master moylle how he had takyn upp your grace before the consell for docter taller & for your prechers in your cherches in london & also I tolde master twhates & master moylle what master london sayde as consernig ther deutes bot nothyng I know of my selffe aganste no creator that ever I harde oder preched or Resonde yet I thowte meche of this to be trewer then thay be lyke to prove so that I come in

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.