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to the church for holy watter to cast about their howses to dryve away il spirites and devilles, notwithstandynge the kynges majesties proclamations to the contrary in the same.
he hath not red to theym the kynges injunctions as he ought to do, by reason wherof the parish be blynde & ignorant in theym. witnes the parish.
Bartilmewe Joye
he confessed to his curate in general, sayinge, I am a synner. And whan the Vicar asked hym wherin he had synned, he answered that he had confessed hym selfe to the lorde alredy & that he wolde make none other confession at that tyme, & so departed. william kempe vicarius
John Toftes. Christofor levenysh, Bartylmewe Ioy
17 Novembrer Anno 30
Thay pulled downe al the pictures in the church of Northgate in Cantorbery, except only the roode, mary & John, the xii apostelles, the picture of our lady & saynt John Baptist
Item the iide of decembre anno 34. John Toftes dyd pul downe the picture of our lady, & had her & the tabernacle home to his howse, & ther dyd hew her al in peces.
Item 15 Iuly ulter preterito, John Toftes openly & with lowde voice red the bible in English in the church to his wife, Sterkeys wife, George Toftes wife, to the mydwife of the same parish, & to as many other as than were present.
Johanna Meryweder of saynt Mildredes parish.
she dyd ytt not but sayd she wold do ytt
ffor displeasure that she bare towardes a younge maide named Elizabet Celsay & her mother, made a fire opon the donge of the said Elizabet and toke a waxe holy candle, & dropped opon the said donge vii tymes. And she tolde unto her neighbures, that the said inchauntment wolde make the cule of the said mayde to divide into ii partes. presented by the olde scole maste
Raufe the bel rynger of christes church
At the burial of Doctor Champion after the preist had sensed grave, & a boye was berynge away the censeres & the cooles, called agayne the boye, & toke the censeres & powred the hote coles opon hym in the grave, to the grete sclaunder of the said D. Champion, as though he had been an heretike worthy burnynge. wytnes al the quere that were present. he said the kynge was content that al images sholde be honored as they were wont to be. ffilpot

to the church for holy water to cast about their houses to drive away ill spirits and devils, notwithstanding the King's Majesty's proclamations in the same." 3. He has not read to them the King's injunctions "by reason whereof the parish be blind and ignorant in them. Witness, the parish." x. Bartilmew Joye confessed to his curate in general "I am a sinner"; and, when the vicar asked him wherein, said he had confessed himself to the Lord already and would make no other confession. Wm. Kempe, vicar. xi. John Toftes, Chr. Levenysh and Bartylmewe Joye, 17 Nov., ao 30. They pulled down all the pictures in the ch. of Northgate in Canterbury except the rood, Mary and John, the 12 Apostles, the pictures of Our Lady and St. John Baptist. (2.) On 2 Dec. 34 H. VIII., John Toftes pulled down the picture of Our Lady "and had her and the tabernacle home to his house, and there did hew her all in pieces." (3.) On 15 July ult. preterito, "John Toftes openly and with loud voice read the Bible in English in the church to his wife, Sterkey's wife, George Toftes' wife, to the midwife of the same parish, and to as many other as then were present." xii. Johanna Meryweder of St. Mildred's parish, "for displeasure that she bare to a young maid named Elizabeth Celsay and her mother, made a fire upon the dung of the said Elizabeth and took a holy candle, and dropped upon the said dung 7 times; and she told her neighbours that the said enchantment would make the cule of the said maid to divide into two parts. Presented by the old schoolmaster." In margin : "Superstition"; and in another hand "She did it not, but said she would do it." xiii. "Rauffe, the bellringer of Christchurch, at the burial of Dr. Champion, after the priest had censed [the] grave, and a boy was bearing away the censers and the coals, called again the boy and took the censers and poured the hot coals upon him in the grave, to the great slander of the said Dr. Champion, as though he had been an heretic worthy burning. Witness, all the quere that were present." (2.) "He said the King was content that all images should be honored as they were wont to be. Filpot."