p. 022

Item Whether you have saied or reported to any person or persons theis wourdes or like in effecte, My lordes grace said in his privie chamber, That he wolde defende Ridleis and Scories Articles if he hadd an indifferent judge But he wolde have his judge oute of Germanye.
Item Whither in your communicacion of my lordes grace, you saied theis wourdes, An solus ipse potest celum ruens sustinere, and what mouid you so to saie, and what you mente thereby
Item What communicacion conference and Lettres you have hadd at Poules in london or els where with the Chauncellor of london, doctour Cole or doctor Clement and my lorde of wynchesters chaplen Mr Medowes, towching my lordes grace, Doctour London, theis newe opinions or enormities in kente.
Item What communicacion conference and Lettres you have had or sent, or receyuid frome or to Mr fforde clerke of the privie seale, and what theffecte therof was
Item What communicacion conference and Lettres you have had with Mr Smyth of Canterburye towching theis saied matters in kente, syns the begynnyng of this examinacion
Item What communicacion conference and lettres you have had with Mr Talbot vicar of westwell concernyng theis matters in kente, and what Lettres you have sent to hym in that behalf, and what theffecte of theym were
Item What communicacion conference and Lettres you have had with Mr Collens sometyme Commissarie here concernyng the premisses
Item What communicacion conference and Lettres you have had with Anthony Hussey, concernyng Doctour London or theis matters in kente,

8. Whether you have told anyone "My lord's Grace said in his privy chamber that he could defend Ridley's and Scorie's articles if they had an indifferent judge; but he would have his judge out of Germany." 9. Whether in talking of my lord's Grace you said "An solus ipse potest clum ruens sustinere" and what you meant by it. 10. What communication you have had, at Paul's in London or elsewhere, with the Chancellor of London, Dr. Cole or Dr. Clement, and my lord of Winchester's chaplain, Mr. Medowes, touching my Lord's Grace, Dr. London, these new opinions or enormities in Kent. 11. What communication you have had with Mr. Forde, clerk of the Privy Seal, and to what effect. 12. What communication you have had touching these matters in Kent, since the beginning of this examination, with Mr. Smyth of Canterbury, Mr. Talbote vicar of Westwell, Mr. Collens, sometime commissary here, or with Anthony Hussey touching Dr. London or the matters in Kent.