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ffirste what communicacion by wourde or wryting you have hadd with Mr Roper, Balthasar the Surgian, Heywood, Mr Moore, Jermen Gardiner, Mr Bekensale, or with either of theym and to what effecte suche communicacion was hath ben,
In primis Whither you came to Serls and saied unto hym theis wourdes or like in effecte. Take hede to thyself, or els thou arte like to be undon
Item Whither you did not procure of Anthony Hussey the copies of Sandewiches and Serles Articles and caused theym to be delivered unto the said Sandewich and Serls, before thei were callid to examinacion, Or sent theym or either of theym worde, that thei ought to have the copie of thair articles
Item Whither you said theis wourdes or like in effecte. That tharticles of Serles and Shether, ar not sufficiently nor full provid, for the whiche thei were commitid and contynue in prison
Item What communicacion, conference and lettres you have had with doctour London, or any other in his name, as towching me, or the newe opinions and enormities in kente
Item Whither you saied theis wourdes or like in effecte That Doctour London was at the courte, for promotion at the kynges hande, and what knowledge you had therof and by whome
Item Whither you saied theis wourdes or like in effecte That if every man were so handelid as Doctour London was handelid, there wolde be many papors worne and to what entent you spake those wourdes, and what you meant therbye
Item Whither you knowe or harde, that Doctour London that Doctour Barbour and Mr Talbote, whiche w of my lordes counsaile and chamber, can tell a shre tale if thei were examined, ffor it was not for n nought that thei were put oute of service, and of whome the same.

V. Interrogatories. "First, what communication by word or writing you had with Mr. Roper, Balthasar the Surgeon, Heywode, Mr. Moore, Jermen Gardiner, Mr. Bekensale, or with either of them, and to what effect such communication hath been." (fn. 19) 1. Whether you came to Serls, and said to him "Take heed to thyself or else those art like to be undone." 2. Whether you procured of Anthony Hussey the copies of Sandwich's and Serls' articles and caused them to be delivered to the said Sandwich and Serls before they were called to examination, or sent either of them word that they ought to have them. (fn. 20) 3. Whether you said that the articles of Serls and Shether are not sufficiently proved, for which they were committed and continue in prison. 4. What communication you have had with Dr. London touching me or the new opinions and enormities in Kent. 5. Whether you said that Dr. London was at the Court for promotion at the King's hand, and what knowledge you had thereof and by whom (fn. 21) 6. Whether you said that if every man were so handled as Dr. London was, there would be many papers worn,* and to what intent you said so. 7. Whether you know or heard that Dr. London, [or] that Dr. Barbour and Mr. Talbote, which w[ere] of my lord's counsel and chamber, can tell a shre[wd] tale if they were examined, for it was not for n[ought] that they were put out of service; and of whom [you heard] the same.