
he neither incensed the crucifixe in the roode loft, nor any aultare in the church, except the high aultare, nor distributed any holy candle amonge his parochianes as hath been accustomed. William Saunder. John Brown Edmunde purdue, william Sacre. John Browne.

Sir James Newname, & one laurence brother to Mrs. Mores


Thay toke downe an image of our lady, to the which was no offrynge (except candelles at the purification of women) nor noted to be done ther any miracles by the said image. william Saunder. cum aliis qui supra.

The curate of Chartam that now is.

holy water

he casteth no holy water opon the crucifixe in the rode loft nor opon any aultar in the church, except the high aultar Saunder. cum aliis qui supra



he said that such superstitions were used in the church, as makyng of crosses opon palme sonday, settynge up of theym and blessyng theym with the holy candle, ryngynge of belles in the thonder. ffor. thynke you said he that the devil wil be afrayed or fleaway crosse makynge, hurlynge of holy water, ryngynge of belles & such other ceremonies. whan he was not afrayed to take Christ hymselfe & cast hym on his backe, & set hym on a pynnacle

Those thynges that be good of theymselfes may not utterly be put away, although they be abused. ffor than the holy sacrament of the aultar sholde bet set a side, which is dayly bought & solde. Richard parkhurst present

  • Bradkirke preist
  • Mr. Shether.
  • John Marden
  • Robert Colman.



dominica 8 post triniter.

If the precher prech error. & erronious doctrine, the simple man though he receyve it & bl bileve it, it doth not infecte nor corrupt hym. And this he repeted twise.

He said also that moises sent letters from hell to teache the state therof, and howe men should lyve, And an other Likewise oute of heaven


Item thei saye, seid he that only faith Justifieth, and that it makith no matter howe we do lyve, Christe died for  us, and by his blode hath washed all our synnes awaye Therfore what nedeth us to faste or praye

(3.) "He neither incensed the crucifix in the rood loft nor any altar in the church, except the high altar, nor distributed any holy candle among his parochianes as hath been accustomed. Will'm Saunder, John Browne, Edmunde Purdue, Will'm Sacre, John Browne." xx. Sir James Newname and one Laurence, brother to Mr. Mores, "took down an image of Our Lady, to the which there was no offering (except candles at the purification of women) nor noted to be done there any miracles by the said image. Will'm Saunder cum aliis qui supra." xxi. The curate of Chartam that now is "casteth no holy water upon the crucifix in the rood loft, nor upon any altar in the church except the high altar. Saunder cum aliis qui supra." xxii. Scory. "He said that such superstitions were used in the church as making of crosses upon Palm Sunday, setting up of them and blessing them with the holy candle, ringing of bells in the thunder. For, think you, said he, that the Devil will be afraid or flee away cross making, hurling of holy water, ringing of bells and such other ceremonies when he was not afraid to take Christ himself and cast him on his back and set him on a pinacle?These things that be good of themselves may not utterly be put away, although they be abused; for then the holy Sacrament of the altar should be set aside, which is daily bought and sold." Rich. Parkhurst present; Bradkirke, priest, Mr. Shether, John Marden and Robert Colman, witnesses. xxiii. "Serles, Dominica 8 post Trinit.If the preacher preach error and erroneous doctrine, the simple man, though he receive it and believe it, it doth not infect or corrupt him. And this he repeated twice." (fn. 24) (2.) "He said also that Moises sent letters from Hell to teach the state thereof, and how men should live, and another likewise out of heaven." (3.) "Item, they say, said he, that only faith justifieth and that it maketh no matter how we do live. Christ died for us and by his blood hath washed all our sins away. Therefore what needeth us to fast or pray?"