p. 199
The tenor off the last lettre sentt by mr schether unto my lord off wynchester
Reverend father : s : All drawythe now towardes a quyetnesse and I trust thatt schortly my lordes grace wyll sett all well : By the berar hereoff mr schether he schall lerne the trewgthe as hytt ys here : Off my conscyence my lord I remember nott the contenttes off thatt lettre butt off thys. I doo ensure your grace : ther was noo word offensyve In hytt yff I dyd remember the lettre thorowly : by god I wold write hytt unto your grace Butt off thys be your grace assuryd ther was notte one word a mysse In hytt thatt I doo know : And yff I had remembryd ysterday when I was with your grace. I wold have dysclosyd thatt lettere unto yow (as I dyd the other wich I wrote In the ffavor off Serles & schether : the contenttes wheroff I wyll after declare & that as trewely as god schall putt Into my remembrance.
mr schether requyryd me to make certen notes ffor hym : I sso dyd & thatt unkyndly : yff I had ysterday remembryd my selffe. I wold have dysclosyd them unto yowr grace
Eroris as yett be nott tryid & correctyd : butt dylygentt Inquyry ys made off the boke presentyd
Answere ys made partly affyrmatyvely partly negative : partly dubitative
We be accusyd Indyfferently one with an other : soo that one : as we doo suppose : may bere owt the other : butt yff Inquyry be made emongst the gentylmen yemen & the honesty off the curattes : and nott all callyd accuse whoo wyll. I thynke the ffawt wold sone apere wher hytt ys
I namyd mr yngham mr hardes mr Thawyttes gentylmen able to say sumwhatt as they have had greffe : butt I beseche yow my lord call them nott ffor hytt : I namyd them none otherwyse unto mr schether : butt thatt ther were : thatt herd some hosle & diversyte emongst the peple : I beseche your grace to kepe thes moch secrette unto your owne conscyence they were never seyd
Item yowr lectures : whatt they were : with whom dyverse were offendyd as the vycar off S pawles : The vycar of Story : my lord off thys matter I wyll schew yow more so sone as I am att lyberty and may speke with yowr grace : yester day I remembryd hytt nott. I wold I hadd Other notes in good ffaygthe I doo nott remember
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.