p. 198
sett me a worke : otherwyse I wold never have don hytt : he ys a Justyce he schulde know the danger off hytt : beffore he dyd move us soo to doo I wentt nott a bowtt soche matters.
I remember thatt one day syttyng att owr mete In master parkhurst chamber : mr mylles mr serles : mr Schether And I : with the rest off owr company merely dysposyd : And noo hurtt thynkyng : We iiii ffore namyd : made halffe a poyntment to ryde one holy day Into Thanett and ther to preche : thorow the yle : all In one day every one off us takyng ii churchys one sermon beffore none : An other att after none : And att nyght ffor owr labors : to take owr supper and loggyng other with mr Cryppes : Other with mr Jonson owr ffrendes : And so making mery a day or ii ffor owr recreatyon then to returne home a gen unto owr study.
The ffyrst Artycle In whom hytt ys expressyd : thatt yow wold sustayne : Artyclys off Baptysme and orygynall syn : prechyd by mr Scory : : I dyd utterly refuse : And wold never stand unto hytt althoughe my name were unto hytt : And hytt was nott presentyd : . I have herd thatt mr Schether : hathe sett as wytnesse unto thatt artycle : mr Smythe. and doctor Barbar : In dede my lord : I herd mr Cokkes vycar off Story say often tymes : thatt mr smythe told hym thatt yow sayde In yowr chamber unto doctor Barbar : (Smythe with other off yowr Servanttes standyng by:) thatt yff yow hadd an Indyfferentt Jugde yow wold sustayne the artycle presentyd & prechyd by mr scory : off Baptysme and orygynall syn Butt yow wold have yowr Jugde owt off germany.
By yowrs assuryd whyles I leve william Gardener prebendary
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.