Gentyll ffather wher as I have nott borne : so good : so tender an hartt towardes yow : as a trew chyld owgthe to bere : and as yow never gave unto me occasyon otherwyse : butt rather by benefyttes provokyd me unto the contrary : I aske off yow : with as contryte an hartt: as ever dyd David aske off god : mercy : And I desyre yow to remember the prodygall chyld : wich althowghe ffrom hys ffather swarvyng and yett Into ffavor receyvyd agen : to receyve me (althowghe unkyndly) now : by ffooly : I dyd fforsake yow : And nott boorne my hartt : so lovyngly soo trewly : towardes


yow / as my dewty was. I schuld have don :. I am ffull sory ffor my fawtt : . And yett : good ffather : be yow well assuryd (as I opynyd my conscyence unto yow : att my last commynyng with yow : ) thatt I dyd never bere malyce a yenst yow : butt the grettyst cause : thatt ever occupyid my hartt a yenst yow And ffor the wyche. I dyd bere my hartt so lytle towardes yow : was (as god schall save the sawll off me : ) thatt I saw so lytle quyetnesse emongst us : And so grett Jarr In christes relygyon : supposyng thatt by yowr permyssyon and sufferawnce


(wich was nott soo / as I doo perceyve) that hytt dyd aryse unto the grett griffe off my conscyence : . I condescendyd the soner : unto the makyng off the boke a yenst yowr grace : when I was


therunto movyd : by thatt same : suggester wyllyby :. where and off whom he toke occasyon : to bryng hys bylles unto Canterbury and to move occasyon. I know nott : :Good ffather ffor my settyng fforthe thatt same boke : partly by me made: : hartely : confessyng

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.