Mr Thwaites

The last tyme I was at london with Mr baker he badd me go and se a book of articles that I went to Mr moyle hadd & to shew him also as to doctor london the article of sir bland quod missa non est sacrifitium pro peccatis And when I shewd mr moile the said article he said : alas is then mor articles yet agaynst him he hath to many all redy And by reson it was then night I d[id] only drink with him & he said he wolde helpe to a quietnes asmuch as in h[ym] lay in thes matters & so I departed frome hym./ Also mr gardener shewed me that he hadd deliverd certayn articles to mr thwattes to whome I sent at doctor cokes comming by the advice of Mr gardener to have a bill which thei of s. georges hadd put up to him: to thintent it might be presented to doctor cokes And he sent it me with mo billes which wer presented befor to the said doctor cokes. As for any communycation I never hard them say but that th[ey?] trusted we shuld have a quitnes in opinions & that all thing shuld be w[ell?] I know not with whome other have spoken in thes matters.


I know not to what thinges thei have conduced unto.



I know nothing that petit hath done but that he delyverd the book coxston wrot las[t] & gave it to master baker constrary contrary to his promys maide to mr gardener & me which told h[ym] that it was unperfecte & not proved in many poyntes. Also one night at Mr parkhurstes at supper talking of the sessions of the 6 articles he redd a form or copy of an endightment having no mans name Nor I know not whi he redd it but only to shew (as I think) a forme of such endightmentes as wer used at the 6 articles


I know no man that ever entended ony other thing then to have a un[ite?] & quietnes in opinions and all contention to cease./


I can not say of other men but after that Mr baker willed me to note the chefist berers & authors of thes new opynions we thowght I could do no bes[t] but write such thinges as I harde And therfor I can say litle in this matter but as I se my writing to put in me in remembrans.


Whether I spake of ony such thinge at charing I can not tell byt I remember that at mr parkurstes table in canterbury as one spake of preaching in thanet (I said) (as it is trew in dede) that I was never ther syns I cam in to kent: but bicause I hard the cowntrey so gretly commended. I said I longged to goe thither: upon which woordes mr mylles (I think) said. whi let us. 4 Mr garde(ner) I, mr serles and yow go thither one day And bicause ther be viii churches b[?] us prech 2 sermons a peice & so in all the churches in one day And after we will make myrry ther a bowt a day or 2 & come home agayn here is all the intent & prorses I know was hadd in the same not I never hard mor of it. Or if I spake of it at charing it was by reson that the vicar of charing desired me to prech at his benefice ther: that I told him what we talked of thanet one day / but I do not well remember

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.