p. 009
Serles 2
The 26 of August last past in the chapter howse
Ther be summe synnes that can not be forgyven but by fastynge & prayer.
Good peple you have been deceyved with prechers, but if you have receyved any poyson & lerned any false doctrine & byleved by ignorance, you be not to blame, neither god is discontent with you.
In hel is burnynge of brymston, wilde fier, gunpowder, soden hete, soden colde. And we may be sure therof bicause that David Moses & the prophetes, which taught us those thynges, were in the paynes of hel, or in a kynde of hel which is limbo.
At Ashforth 12 Augusti: Anno 1543
At layname
In the howse of Mary and or Martha he fownde a certen man veray sicke and sore diseased, whose name was Lazarus brother to thies ii virgyns. Magdalen was a faire fyngered gentle woman.
or religion
Christ said to Martha. Thy busynes shal have an ende, but thy sisteres busynes shal last & never have ende.
Sandwich alias Gardiner
in sermon in Christes church the iiide sonday after xii day.
The peple have not had hitherto the good wyne of goddes worde, but a day wolde com that they sholde have good wyne agayne, B But good peple be content, for nondum venit hora. the tyme is not yet come that you sholde have good wyne.
Of late dayes you have had here so many waterlaggeres, which have turned your good wyne into water, that you cowde have no good doctrine taught ne preched, unto you, but the phantasies of their own braynes.
III. Depositions against different clergymen, amp;c. : i.
Serles.The 26th of August last past in the Chapter house. (fn. 11) There be some sins that cannot be forgiven but by fasting and prayer. (fn. 11) Good people, you have been deceived with preachers, but if you have received any poison and learned any false doctrine, and believed by ignorance, you be not to blame, neither God is discontent with you. (fn. 11) "In hell is burning of brimstone, wildfire, gunpowder, sudden heat, sudden cold, and we may be sure thereof because that David, Moses, and the prophets which taught us those things, were in the pains of hell, or in a kind of hell, which is Limbo."In margin : "At Ashforth, 12 Augusti, 1543." At Layname. In the house of Mary or Martha He found a certain man very sick, and sore diseased, whose name was Lazarus, brother to these 2 virgins. Magdalen was a fair fingered gentlewoman. (fn. 11) "Christ said to Martha, Thy busyness shall have an end, but thy sister's busyness shall last and never have end."In margin : "Religion." ii. Sandwich alias Gardiner in sermon in Christ's Church the 3d Sunday after Twelfth day. (fn. 11) "The people have not had hitherto the good wine of God's word, but a day would come that they should have good wine again. But, good people, be content; for nondum venit hora, the time is not yet come that you should have good wine."In margin : "Seditious." (fn. 11) "Of late days you have had here so many waterlaggers, which have turned your good wine into water that you could have no good doctrine taught ne preached unto you but the phantasies of their own brains." Margin : "Slanderous."