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and the resedew of that day I went aboute my nowne bessenes & tolde london I wolde go home that efter none bot on thorsday in the mornig I gat uppe be tyme & come to my lorde of venchesters to have spokan with his lordeshep & ther I met london walkyng inthe parlor & he was aungre that I was not gone & I tolde hym that I come but to speke with my lorde & I wolde be gone what wolde you do with hym ye wolde tell hym awysse talle I dar say go ye home In all spede ye may & tell the prebenderes that thay schall have a comission within asenet and then he bad me tell the justices of pesse that the kynges consell was not content & thowght meche neclygence be casse thay lokyd no better to ser of the kyng bot to suffer seche herisys to be preched in the contre & say no thyng unto hit & so I come home with aheve hart Remembryng this arekylles to be pot upp In my name & come home of good fryday & of ester eve I come to cryst cherche & browght with me the artekylles that serlys had pot up to master london & aletter with all as his afore sayde bot salsbere that kepte his key wolde not be fonde & that day I dynyd ther master parchus was at ascheforde I trow & so efter dener master gardner callyd me in to the gardyn & schoyde me this wrytynges which was aganst my lordes grace Rede providyd in hys hande here hys atokyn plane that thay gederd this maters with owte ane comford thay had be me & not to say that I was the occasyon of ther fallse Invencions & when he had Rede them over he toke them fro me & helde them In his hande & lokyd apon me sayng may aman trest you with this same to let master london se them previle & then to delever them to my lorde of venchester & I sayde yee well sayde he schether schall coppie them owte & set them in order & so he dyd & then he deleverd them me prayng me In ane wysse to labor to my lorde of venchester for the comission or else men wolde not say halffe that thay knew or else that thay meght have comandement to come before the consell & to say of ther alegence what thay knew & so I departtyd with owte with owte any wrytyng or Recorde for my dyscharge & so in ester weke I Rode upp evyn the nexte day efter that master torner dyd preche before master moyle & when I come to master london I schoyde hym the artekelles that was aganst my lordes grace wher at he made meche joye & bad me sende them to be synyd & with in v days efter schethers man browght them up synyd to present them to my lorde of venchester & I went with hym my selffe bot my lorde had no laser that tyme to loke of them bot he london toke not the coppie of them than for I tolde hym that I must
By me John wyllughby
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.