Also of monday in the mornig betyme master london comandyd me to be with hym & so I was that mo worthe hym & serlys bothe which I thenke was borne to do meche trobyll hathe browght me in all this bessenes and so docter london & I went to my lorde of vinchester at sent mare overes & all the artykylles with hym and was in with my lorde anowre or ii & at that tyme I saw not my lorde so at after none he wolde have had me to amet hym at the consell dore bot I colde not I went abowte my nowne bessenes & so made hym promas to be with hym on teusday in the mornig & so I was & that mornig went with hym to my lorde of vinchester also & was with hym Agood owre or more & that tyme I se not my lorde noder & that same teusday he browte me to the consell dore In pane of my alegence geveng me this lesson to say be for the consell: my lordes all it his so that the kynges mageste & all his honerabyll consell hathe bene at gret chargys & takyn gret panys to set agood & agodly way emong us and for all that in Kent with us we have the most enorme herisys that may be and becasse I harde of this good man here master london I come to hym to have his consell here in wheder he thowte hit scholde be harde or no befor the consell & Remede to be had wher apon he hathe browght me hyder before you all my lordes to helpe me forthe hyffe I scholde be anythyng abaste with tellyng of my talle & also he tellythe me that the kyns majestes plesur his that evere man what so ever he be knoyng one sech herisys & wolde not present them here after hit wolde be to ther pane & by casse of this I come for my dyscharge to schow this unto you my lordes all & this was that same day that my lorde mare of london the scheroffes & all the alder men was before the consell & sarten men of vinsor had matter ther that day so I come not in hyffe I had I wolde atolde the trewthe that serlys browght seche wrytynges to master london & how I was comandyd to breng them In In pane of myne alegence & knowthe none of them to be trew bot by here say & so I tolde master london before I thenke that was the casse he wolde not breng me In & ther I stode tyll vi at cloke at neght then he come forthe & I went with hym to pollys swarffe wher on the nexte morow weche was wedynsday he comandyd me to be with hym in the mornig & so I was for he sayde he had promast to bryng me to my lorde of the preve sell & so hedyd to the cortt nexte chamer to the consell dore above the stares & within a whylle my lorde come abrode & he deleverd them the artykelles to hym & my lorde lokyd alyttyll of them & callyd me to hym how say ye sade my lorde ar this hartykylles trew & I sayde in god fathe my lorde I can not tell for I know nere anartyll of them nor ther his nere awettnes to none of them then my lorde deleverd me the wrytynges to be synyd & then master london sayde that thay were synyd all rede in his chamer that browght them uppe then my lorde bad me set the oder & come agane for then he had no lasser to loke more of them

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.