p. 146

serlys that he had promast hym over neght & dyd schrenke from his promase & sware agret hothe that he wolde casse hym to be sent for then he made meche lamentacion & wepyd: where apon master londondon sayde to me I praye you pot them uppe & say ye browght them heder this man hathe bene introbyll & hyffe he scholde pot them uppe my lorde of cantorbere wold thenke hit to be done of hyll wyll & also be casse ye se what schamfull artekylles thay be presentyd here before your owne face hit wolde be vere harde for you to byde the danger here of with owte your dellygence in presterryng of them knowyng that the kynges plesur his that no herysys scholde be clokyd nor hyd with in his Reme & ther for hyffe ye schrenke here in ye schalle schow your selffe not to be the kynges trew subjecte & also his gracis chaplane I darsay ye dyd hym never seche servis as ye may do here in & also for your dyscharge for now ye can not be Red of them & ye wolde & so for vere fere I was content to say thay were of my brengyng in & yet notheng gylte ther and also he sayde that I neddyd not to fere for he had I have set seche aspectakyll be for you at winsor brengyng to leght seche abomynabyll herysys that the kynges mageste was even astownyd when he harde of them fyrst & vere angere bothe with the doers & with the berrers bot master london addyd more mater un to them in the copieng of them weche serlys was aungere with all menyg as he sayd to breng the mater in to the justis handes & sertan of the spirituallte be comission whos names serlys resyttyd un to hym at his request sayng to us that hit scholde never abene kowne to be or dede bot done by the contre be reson of the comission so he deleverd me serlys coppies to have them synyd & aletter I had also sent from serlys to sett the same coppies at home inhis chamer in cantorbere recordyd alrede exsep of the prebenderes weche coppies I scholde have
deleverde of on salsbere & so to care them to the prebenders to syne & master gardner to syne for serlys & hym sellfe so master london sent the coppie that the jentyllman wrotte to my lorde of venchester by on of his servantes & keppte his owne & I had serlys coppie to care home all this was done of sonday at efter none

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.