abowte avent master serlys preched at home with me at chellam & ther he talkyd of his trobyll sayng he had pot up sertan artekylles to the kynges mageste & yet thay were so clokyd that his grace never saw them wher apon at his Retorne he was lade in preson & so he lai apon me & movyd me to pot up seche artekylles as he & his compane wolde devisse wher apon I grantyd so thay meght be trew & proveabyll so I hard no more of this tyll passion sonday for that day he preched with me agane at weche tyme he tolde me that he wolde to london that weke & so to oxforde & I promast to Ryde with hym & so I dyd menyg no more of this mater then the chylde on borne my nerhande was to speke with the chamerlane of london so on palme sonday in the mornig he sent his man for me to com mette hym in polles & so I dyd mette hym ther & so he prayde me to go to docter londons with hym weche man I never se before of my fathe bot he had bene with hym the neght before & pot up his artekelles promassyng hym that he wolde go of monday in the mornyg with hym to the cowrte & pot them up before the consell as master london sayde before his fasse & in the mornig he was clene changyd sayng to master london that ther was on wyllughby that come to the towne with hym weche had promast hym that whan so ever we wyll breng ane artekylles un to hym he wyll present them & so docter london tolde me that serlys sayde so un to hym and here apon he movyd me: & I dyssyryd to here them & so thay were Rede un to me weche thynges me thowght was bot tryffylles and I sayde thay were of non affecte to present before the consell and also neder knew nor colde afferme none of them to be trew sayng let serlys pot them upp that browght them heder for here his no Recorde to aferme none of thes to be trew then sayde serlys ye know that all the contre dothe speke of thes & I sayde thos Ieyd here of part of them yet I ham not abyll to say that one of them his trew and be casse ye know them profytte & the doers of them & hathe also browght them heder it his most meght for you to answer to them. And then master london sayde that he had schowde them to part of the consell & to my lorde of vinchester for I se the coppie that was sent to my lorde was of londons owne hande for he that copide them owte before us was ajentyllman of my lorde of wenchesters or to hym be longyng master london coppie lyeng before hym this aperrythe that this mater was consultyd be fore: serlys can tell what the man was & so can not I that dyd wrytt them bot as i now remember hit was german so master london ched wt

By me John wyllughby

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.