p. 153
D willoughby.
Master gardner wrot up to my lorde of venchester that your lordeshep sent & Resavyd letteres monthely monthely at leste into germany and hyffe he wolde sende to on fuller at the flowre delice in canterbere & comande hym of his alegence ye schall know for thay pas throw his handes I copyde the letter my selffe bot I can not tell wher hit be at home or nay & also that ther was acredubyll person that scholde reson with on of your offesars what he was I wotte not sayng I mervell meche my lorde kepethe no better ahowse & the oder scholde answere agane & say hit was no wonder for my lorde hathe so many in exibussion in germane that all was to lyttyl to skrappe & gett to sende thether & that lorde gave nere abenyfys bot on pollyng parte whent owte In fee to his offessares so that of the prestes ther fees Ryssys so god knowthe what sorow I have sofferd at my hart sence I thenke awysser man then and I wolde abene in as meche dowt as I for I derst not onse loke of on that be longyd you for fere of susspecion
Mr. gardner allso tolde me at the takyng of twyne senet efter beyng at canterbere at master skore sermonde then he tolde me that he wolde fame that my lorde of venchester scholde have knollege of asertan man & namyd hym that scholde come from the cowrte and longes to the cowrt & usyd meche to twynes & also was with hym asenet be fore he was takyn & ofte ussyd to come theder & Remane asenet & som tymes more weche gave hym warnig that he scholde be take where apon he convayde many letters & wryttynges that come from germany for none was fonde in his howse & yet he se hym many tymes oponly in the cherche with letters saynge here his newes from germany & at that man by all lekelyode was aspye & what was sayde in the cowrte & he to breng hit heder bot he wolde not trest me here with none of them all bot at the begennyg I mellyd with none of ther maters many aday never bot at the fyrste nor knew none of ther maters
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.