In the name of god Amen. I N. preacher of christchurch in canterbury bownden to answer befor yow most reverd father in god thomas archbisshop of canterbury & metropolitan of ingland or your chawnsler or ony other competent iudge in that behalfe In a certayn cause as yet undecited & depending concerning articles which be pretended: (allthough untrewly) y (my (allthowghe (my bownde dewty allwais to your grace remembred ) untrewly) to be preched by me in your gratiouse diocese of canterbury ffor asmuch as yow most reverend father in god do proced against me in the same by the vertew of your office: I the befor named N. (saving & Reserving allwais all other lawfule defens which I may at ony tyme or place lawfuly use & poorpose) say & alledge in this writing the contrary namly  to article or articles of heresy pretended And namly & expressly aganst this article which is ministerd aganst me (allthrough untrewly) in this forme: yow preched etc. And by all such circumstans & forme of law as I can or owght to do I say & poorpose aganst the forme & effecte of the same article & any other namly that is heretically (allthowgh untreuly) ministerd aganst me: And I say that thowghe I preached the day & yere as is specified in the said pretended (allthough untrewly) article : at sandwich yet I preched notthat day as it is contened in your article that article nor any other heretickal hereticall Notwithstanding that as towching this said article I preached woords somwhat pertayning to the same but I preched as concernyng that article the saide xxiiii day under this forme following or woords of like sentens & effecte vz that not only such as wer baptised having the use of reyson wer purged both from origenall & actuall syn but also infantes wer purged from origenall syn by verteu of the same sacrament so that after baptym no syn remaynith And I preched no other wise nor under other forme things as in effecte as concernyng that matter as by lawfule & dew proff shall appere at the end of the prorses in this prorses. Also I alledge that this article hath no apparens of verite but is playnly ymagened & sermysd aganst me & contaynith much craft & subtillty in it & is intricat obscure & uncertaynly conceved & is such as I am not bownd by the law to answer unto as doth & shall appere at the end of this prorses wherfor I desire it may be playlen to me declared : Also ther is a commyn voice & fame in the vill of sandwich & other places which use unto my audres do affirme this that this my allegation to be iust & trew. It. that ther wer any honest and descet persons which wold have noted sone such a notoriose heresy it it had be spoken.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.