21 Septembris

Hugh Cooper of Tenterden


He saied the xviii day of ffebruarye last past. That allmighty god was neither pleased with fasting nor distcontent with eating


The iiiith day of marche last past he preached this Neither almes deades fasting, neither prayer dothe help the soule of man. but faith allonly



The same daye he saied thies wourdes: He that dothe trust to have any help, by the praiers of any p creature or personne, dothe committ Idolatry that ever god made dothe comyt Idolatrye / and dothe make hym an Idoll. whiche is contrary to the commaundement of god,

  • Sir humfray Cotton;
  • Richard Alcocke;
  • John parker;
  • william hegges;
  • Ro. ffoch;
  • John Bayly;
  • walter Coiff;
  • George Sorel;
  • peter Short

He inverted thordre of the confiteor (omytting the name of mary and all sainctz. Saying Confiteor deo et vobis & precor vos. orare pro me christi,

He preached the xxviii day of Aprill last past and saied. That god dothe not regarde the prayers but the personnes,


The vi day of may he said. Opon saturday you shal have whitson evyn, you nede not to fast except you wil.

21 Septembris 1543.

Archebolde of faversham


I will quod he come to my goostely father and shewed to hym I have synned in the vii dedely synnes / and have broken the x commaundementes and myspent my v wittes / and will desire hym of his goostly counseill.

21 Sept.

Hugh Cooper of Tenterden said, 18 Feb. last, that God was neither pleased with fasting nor discontent with eating. On the 4 March last he preached that neither alms deeds, fasting, nor prayer did help the soul, but faith only; also that whoever trusted to have help by the prayers of any person that ever God made committed idolatry. He inverted the order of the Confiteor, omitting the name of Mary and All Saints. He preached 28 April that God did not regard the prayers but the persons. Added by Cr. :On the 6 May he said "On Saturday you shall have Whitsun Even. You need not to fast except you will."

21 Sept. 1543.

Archebolde of Faversham. "I will, quod he, come to my ghostly father and show to him I have sinned in the 7 deadly sins and have broken the 10 commandments, and misspent my 5 wits and will desire him of his ghostly counsel."