
He saied that the sight of the ymage of saint Michaell with the balaunce is enowgh to bringe a man to the deviull

prayor to saintes

That no man may pray to Sainctz for any thinge


He saied that it was not necessary nor convenient that men shuld confesse their offences particulerly but that is was sufficient to say I am a synner and have offendid in thought wourde and dede


He saied That, to knele or bowe unto a crosse, yea though it wer the veray crosse that Christ dyed on it was Idolatrie /


He saied that bisshoppes did make priestes for mony yea although they could stantely reade, and he knewe it so to be /


He saied that they did nought that did sett up or offre any candelles before the sacrament. and if they wer well taught they wold not use suche superstition. John Seth. Richard Drylande. laurence manby. John hampton. Nicolas Burdwashe. Joseph Beverlay. Thomas Cranse John pellayne. Clement Norton. Thomas Deve. Thomas Okenfelde. Raynolde Becke. william amoore. Robert ffynes. Richard Stickney. He saied that the masse is no satisfaction for synne, nor therefore offred


He preached in Lynsted churche on saint Mathues day in Anno 1542./ that auriculier confession is not in the scripture of god /. nor in the lawe of god. I mervaille quod he / why, hit is used in the churche also quod he, it hath been often put down William Alban. Hugo Crumpton preist Thomas ffarrer. Raff Vouldegate. Rich lashforde. Antony Browne.

He said that the sight of the image of St. Michael with the balance was enough to bring a man to the Devil; that no man may pray to saints for anything; that particular confession was not necessary; that to kneel or bow to a cross, yea, though it were the very cross that Christ died on, was idolatry; that bps. did make priests for money, yea though they could scantly read, and he knew it to be so; that setting up candles before the Sacrament was superstitious. He preached in Lynsted ch. on St. Matthues day, 1542, that auricular confession was not scriptural, nor in the law of God. "I marvel, quod he, why it is used in the Church; also, quod he, it hath been often put down."