p. 067

24 Septembris
Thomas holly of saint Clementes of Sandwiche during the space of iiii yeres now past hath alwayes refused to followe the cros of Christ in procession
Item he hathe also refuced / to beare his candill and palme, at suche tymes as be for thos laudable ceremonyes by the kinges majestie admitted and allowed In contempt of the same ceremonies / and th to the occasion of muche murmuryng and disquietnes within the same parishe by reason of his obstinacy in that behalf.
Item he and William Morris pulled downe sundry ymages in S. Clementes churche.
Nicolas pooke. William Crippes Sir John Atkynson Vicar Sir John hal preist. Sir John Watson preist
21 Septembris 1543
In a Sermon made at faversham the xxiiird sonday aftre Trinitye Anno 1539: he said that the mas is no satisfaction for synne: nother dothe any thinge help against synne: and that it is but a remembrance or memory of the passion of Christ /

24 Sept.Thos. Holly of St. Clement's of Sandwich has for four years refused to follow the Cross in procession. He has also refused to bear his candle and palm at the times approved by the King; which has occasioned much murmuring. He and Wm. Morris pulled down sundry images in St. Clement's church. 21 Sept. 1543.Bland, in a sermon at Faversham the 23d Sunday after Trin., said the mass was no satisfaction for sin but only a remembrance of Christ's passion.