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Item I know not to what thynges thay have conduced unto as god schall be my helpe I know no more bot consentyd to bere the name of pottyng uppe of this maters weche serlys dyd & that I sayde hit was I here in the contre in many places lyeng apon my selffe lyke afolle & yet never come before the consell nor never myndyd bot to avoyde the susspecion I mayde meche bablyng & meche noyse bryngyng myselffe in gret sclander & notheng soo & for this doyng I sobmyt my selffe to god & my lordes grace
Item what pettye or any oder man of law dyd say or doo as tocheng Indytment or ony oder theng ther to belongyn nor never resonyd with pettye abowte ony seche mater or knowthe that any of them dyd be my fathe
Item to know whatt effecte or hend tha dyd intende to bryng this mater un to god knowthe most lyke to subdew yer gracis powre this his my subjestion be lyke thay newe no good in hit thay had good hoppe to have had oder comissioners then you so london promast them at the begynyng or else thai wolde not amellyd so meche as thay dyd & specially aganst your grace
Item as conserning ther authorite I susspecte thay toke it of docter london presompcion seyng hym goo forverd aganst seche men of werscheppe & of the regor. handyllyng & settyng op of persons thenkyng oder scholde acome to the same & ferde master torner & the vecar of hosprenge my selffe ther was so many schamfull maters lade aganst them
Item as consering the vecar of charyng I never dranke in his howse nor come there sence your graces hosholde dyd ly ther nor never harde hym speke here in nor never harde of this mater be for nay I was to folyssche & full of wordes to be of ther consell & so thay sayde

9. Knows not "to what things they have conduced unto"; only consented "to bear the name of putting up of these matters which Serlys did, and that I said it was I, here in the country in many places, lying upon myself like a fool, and yet never came before the Council, nor never minded but to avoid the suspicion; I made much babbling and much noise, bringing myself in great slander, and nothing so. And for this doing I submit myself to God and my lord's grace. 10. Never reasoned with Pettyd or any other lawyer touching indictments or any such matter "be my fathe." (fn. 40) 11. Knows not what effect they intended to bring this matter to. Most likely, to subdue his Grace's (the Abp's.) power. They hoped to have had other commissioners than his Lordship, for so Dr. London promised them. 12. As concerning their authority, suspects they took it of Dr. London's presumption, seeing him go forward against such men of worship. (fn. 41)"Thenkyng oder scholde acome to the same, I ferde Master Torner and the Vecar of Hosprenge my selffe, ther was so many schamfull maters lade against them." As to the Vicar of Charing, never drank in his house nor came there since your Grace's household did lie there; nor ever heard of this matter before. Was too foolish and too full of words to be of their counsel, and so they said.