p. 267
It may please your lordshipe to Remember that thomas batters of canterbury & william salter one of the kynges beadmen of christischurch in the said Citie haue procured a testimoniall for the honesty of sir humfrey cherdayn to thintent (as it is thowght) to improve such such wittenes have as mr gardener & mr shether have browght in to depose in ther articles obiected agaynst the said humfrey. In the which testimoniall meny mens names be rehersed (as it thowght) which were not consentyng to it by Reison of the which facte many persons be discoreged frome the disclosing of such enormytes as the know And forasmuch as the said gardener & shether be commynly noted to be accusars of men which in dede did no thing but upon my lord of canterbury commawndement many fere gretly to speake allthowgh the have like commawndment given frome like authorite./.
Allso if that shingulton may be examyned what he maid .3. dais & .3. nightes at mr twynes house syns ester he will give lyght to many matters.
Also if all the articles which is offerd to your lordshipe to mr baker: mr moyle: wer in one booke to gither contayned thei wold be in more Redines & much more evidens shuld appere.
Also if the commyssary & sir humfrey wer seperat & so examyned the one wold declare much the others qualites
Also Sir bland hath not fered to subscribed his own errours as apperith in this bill now presented of his own hand & also a bill aganst confession which commyssary tore.
Also A boy turned the broch all lent was twelfmonth in my lord of canterbury palace in canterbury wher was (as it thowght) the commysser etc.
Also if my lord of canterbury may know the wittnes names of the articles he will fynd some evasion by doctor gwentes cownsell his commisser & other to prevent ther deposition & make them insuffitient
Also the wittnes of John boochers woordes aganst the sacrament of the aulter be alyne & shalbe shortly put in Remembrans of the same.
Also my lord of canterbury hath a sister alive which hath ii husbandes living as it is of meyny thowght./
Also if my lord of canterbury be one of the commissioners it will stay many depositions
Also one bugmer was partially dismyssed of the commysser which hadd spoken aganst the sacrement of the aulter as the wittnes living which then wer examynid in his cause can testifie /
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.