24 Septembr 1543

Antony Ager; Simon Castlyn

Anthony Ager shomaker and Symon Castelyn of Canterbury said. That god is in no place made by mannes handes

Symond Castlyn saied That. the booke named the kinges booke was made at a Spittill house in london /

26 Septembris 1543


The vicar of Newington


Robert howe vicar of newington iuxta Sittingbourn hathe pulled owne many ymages in his h churche as the ymage of our lady of Pitie patrones of the churche. The Trinitie. S. Steven. Item of our lady of Christ and of sainct Thomas thapostel the whiche ii he sent to london and wer set up ther

Item he scraped of the gilding of divers other ymages


Thomas Smyth and the churchewardeynes

26 Septembris 1543


Saint Mary of Sandwiche

the vicar of s. mary

Sundry ymages as of S. George and other taken downe by the vicar of our ladye in Sandwiche to the value of xxx £,

Richard Butler

Item a parrish church in Sandwiche called S. James prostrated by Richard Butler and the vicar of our lady churche.


Thomas wyngfild vyncent Kingham John maistre Thomas hungerford. Thomas patche

24 Sept.Anthony Ager, shoemaker, and Simon Castelyn of Canterbury said "that God is in no place made by man's hands." Castelyn also said "that a book named the King's book was made at a Spital house in London." 26 Sept. 1543.Robert Howe, vicar of Newington juxta Sittingbourne, has pulled down many images in his ch., e.g. of Our Lady of Pity, patroness of the church, the Trinity, St. Stephen, of Our Lady, of Christ, of St. Thomas the Apostle, "the which two he sent to London and were set up there." He scraped off the gilding of divers other images. 26 Sept. 1543.The vicar of St. Mary, Sandwich. Sundry images taken down by him, to the value of 30; the parish ch. of St. James Sandwich prostrated by Ric. Butler with his assistance.