p. 242

After this Mr dean of christechurch wrot to me that he was commawnded by one of the kynges prive cownsell to require Mr serles (if he wer at canterbury) & me to come as secretly as we myght to london And when I came to him to the kynges courte I asked hym whether my lordes grace of canterbury did send for me or no & he said nai, he knew not of it And bidding me tary vnto that he hadd spoken with one when he retoorned agayn to me he willed Mr parkurst Mr gardener & me to repare to Mr baker & so we did / When we came to Mr baker he said to vs thus : The kynges grace hath delyveryd me a booke which he hath perused him selfe & bicause that he percevith that yow 3 (and wisshed also for Mr serles) can say somwhat in it: he willith yow to say what yow know fering no person but to dread only one god & one kyng. Wheruppon we took the book & drew owt such articles as we could witnes of And delyvering hym the book said that allthowh we 3 present could not witnes in the articles he hadd delyverd us yet ther was in canterbury that could witnes of them./ Vpon which woordes he willed us to go to canterbury & me (bicause I was yongest) to retoorn agayn after that I hadd maid the booke perfecte in the day & yere and caused it to be subscribed & to bring him the book agayn perfectly maid. & so we departing frome Mr baker went to the bisshope off wynchester & shewed him what Mr baker hadd said to us And he perusing the booke we hadd maid (leving owt tharticles that wer towching the communycation that was betwext my lordes grace & Mr gardener only) he said it was well ynowgh & so badd us go agayn to Mr baker & tell him that he said so. vpon which woordes we retoorned to Mr baker and after that we hadd declared to him my lord of wynchesters mynd he receved the book & so we took our leve of him.
At this tyme my lord of wynchester asked me what the articles were that my lordes grace of canterbury obiected to me and I shewd him the articles & the declaration my lordes grace enioned me at the which he only mused a season & said nothing & as he went to talke with other we tooke our leve of him./.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.