At my comming to canter

Abowt Ester after that I was come frome oxforth Coxston pety canon of christeschurch shewd me Mr scoris & Ridles articles askyng me whether thei wer not the articles that wer obiected to them and I said that as far as I remembred thei wer the same & then he asked me whether I did se ony witnes that came in to depose for Mr searles & I said that I did se that which Mr serles said came to depose for hym but wher thei dwelt I said I could not tell & finally he desired me to kepe it in remembrans that I did se them & so we departed. /

Within A short space after Mr Gardener shewed me the same articles of Mr scory & ridley & certayn other articles ioyned to the same towching my lordes grace emongst the which many concerned a communycation that was betwext my lordes grace & the said Mr gardener & he asked me how I liked them & I said thei wer well penned but I could say nothing to them bicause I hadd not hard befor of many of the matters but I said that if he wold let me copye them owt I wold so notte mor in them And in copieng of them I noted that it was writon that my lord hadd caused me to recant the which I said was not trew & so that poynt of the article was amended & we talked no other thing of that matter.

After this Mr williby (about the parlement tyme) cam to Mr gardener & after communycation thei hadd to gither (by chawnse I can not tell how) we met to gither talkyng of the parlement & I hard Mr willibye say that he wold take upon him to be the only doer in the matter. And he said that he doubted not but that he & such as disclosed erroneouse doctryn and the aucthors of the same shuld have gret thankes./. The same tyme Mr gardener sent to me for the copy of the articles that I hadd & so I sent it by Mr coxton to him & so Mr willibye hadd them : but for what porpose I did not know As I did not know scant the said williby nor never spake many woordes with him

Shortly after Mr willybye wrote a lettre to Mr gardener the contents wherof I can not tell but upon the recept therof Mr gardener said that Mr williby desired to have the articles subscribed to the intent it myght be known what witnes wold depose in every article & so to as many as I could testifie I subscribed without ony further medling in the matter./.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.