p. 093

Videat Reverendissimus
He saide that allmighty god was the soule priest and sange the last mas of Requiem. and other massez profiteth not them that be dede /
Humphrey Cotton preest
Said that there be heresies in the bible /
Nicolas ffitzwilliam
Videat Reverendissimus
He saied that praiers did not help the soules that overr be departed. this present life, for in the Dirige and Deprofundis the preestis pray for none but for them selfes &c.
- John Sowde
- Henry ffissher
- Robert Parker and other /

Turnour said "that Almighty God was the soul pr[iest], (fn. 34) and sang the last mass of requiem, and o[ther] (fn. 34) masses profiteth not them that be dead." 2 Ws. "and other." Humfrey Cotton, priest, "said that there be heresies in the Bible." 3 Ws. of Tenterden. Nicholas Fitzwilliam "said that prayers did not help the souls that were departed this present life, for in the dirige and de profundis the priests pray for none but for themselves, &c." 3 Ws. (Under Fitzwilliam's name is written in the same hand "Videat Reverendissimus").