whiche Rauf delyvered the said Buckemer to the  Comissarye and the witnes also, whiche Comissarie trepened one John Todd, whiche Buckemer was for a while in warde in my lordes graces palice, but he went at large and did plucke hempe / And after the deathe of Sir Christofer hallis or a litle before, the same Buckemer was sent homme againe unpunyshed contrary to the kinges Lawes and this bering and favour and suche like hath ben great corrage to other evill doers concernyng evil opinions /

Concernyng Joane Bucher


the pardon n

Pleasith your grace as the most of the vule vulgar people thinketh, the foundacion of theis erroures in theis partes cometh by the fawte of heresies not punyshed set forth by Joane Baron sumtyme callid Joane bucher of westegate she being a prisoner detectid of heresies being in prison, set at libertie free for every man to commen with her, which ys againste the lawe of god and of our soveraign kyng god save hym


ffirste she being a prisoner the space of ii yeres more or lesse, there was no Evidence brought forth againste her, where she manifestely denyed the blessed sacrament of the Alter with many vile and high slanderous wourdes, her own confession remaynyng with the spirituall officers, the whiche we the commen people thought thei shoulde sett forthe she being A prysoner and so ranke an heretique Also that then at her deliveraunce frome the temporall

"Pleaseth your Grace, most of the vulgar people think the foundation of these errors in these parts cometh by the fault of heresies not punished set forth by Joan Baron, sometime called Joan Bucher of Westgate, she being a prisoner detect of heresies, being in prison, set at liberty, free for any man to common with her, which is against the law of God and of our Sovereign King." 1. She being a prisoner for 2 years, more or less, no evidence was brought against her, though she manifestly denied the Sacrament of the Altar with many slanderous words, her own confession remaining with the spiritual officers. 2. When delivered by the temporal