
good people forasmoche as sainctes be circumscripte, it ys not possible for that saincte that is in the north to here the prayer that is made in the southe, nor the saincte that is in the south to here the prayer that ys made in the northe witnes william hunte, william gardener, Jo mylles Robert Serles, Jo ffallowfelde

21 Septembris 1543


He said in the wedensdaye of the Rogacion weke laste paste at davyngton, you be not bounde (quod he) to beleve any thing which is not written or conteyned in the holie scripture, Nor ought to beleve, any other thing, than godes wourde founde in holie scripture

prayinge to sayntes

In the same sermon he said as towching praying to sainctes I deny it quyete quod he knacking therat his fyngers

Item he said that sainctes can neither helpe us / nor here us / nor do nothing for us

He said that the holie water is no better than other water / John Seth. Richard Dryland. laurence manby.

John hampton Nicholas Burdwash. Joseph Beverslay. Thomas Transam. John pelleyne. Clement Norton. Thomas Deve. Thomas Okinfeld. Raynold Becke. william Amoore. Robert ffynes. Richard Stickney

The vii daye of novembre Anno 1541

George of Canterbury



I John tofere parson of S Georges in Canterbury did write unto my Curate John Paris and the churche wardens Mr. Rand and Mr. Bartilmewe to take down the ymage of S George at the commandment of Mr. Comissarye being then in london, yf it be not don before my commyng home I will see it down myself according to my masters lettre / I and the cherche wardens did take it down the ymage. The fryday after Mr. Comissary sent for the forsaid Jo paris curate and the churche wardens aforsaid and asked, whither ye have pulled down the ymage of s. george or no: thei made  answer and said yea, have ye cut it in peces? thei said no : than said the Comissarye. It is not only the kynges

21 Sept. 1543.Ro. Strawghwyn said on Wednesday of the Rogation week last at Davyngton, "You be not bound to believe anything which is not written or contained in the Holy Scripture, nor ought to believe any other thing than God's word found in Holy Scripture;" and in the same sermon, as touching praying to Saints, "I deny it quite, quod he, knacking thereat his fingers," adding that Saints could neither help us nor hear us; also that holy water was no better than other water. (A number of witnesses' names here inserted by Cr.) 7 Nov. 1541."I, John Tofer, parson of St. George's in Canterbury, did write unto my curate John Paris and the churchwardens, Mr. Rand and Mr. Bartilmewe, to take down the image of St. George, at the commandment of Mr. Commissary, being then in London. If it be not done before my coming home I will see it done myself according to my master's letter. I and the churchwardens did take down the image. The Friday after, Mr. Commissary sent for the foresaid John Paris, curate, and the churchwardens aforesaid, and asked whether you have pulled down the image of St. George or no. They made answer and said Yea. Have ye cut it in pieces? They said No. Then said the Commissary It is not only the King's