p. 166c

very fore to make the matter the more pyzthy then they war wrytten yn my exemplar & y seyd mr wylloby be ware what ye do for ye shall never be able to prove them after thys sort that doctor london doth now pen them then doctor london was yn a great fury & angre for my disswadyng of mr wylloby & seyd to me ye may depart when ye wyll for ye wyl not testify your selfe yn thes matter ne yet suffer other that wold testyfy yn thys be halfe then he toke doctor wylloby fro me by the sleve & wold not suffer hyme no more to speke with me and on the next day palme munday y departyd fro the cite towardes oxford the same day at nyzgth when y cam to myn yn remembryng my selfe of owr angre departyng & how that y had muche dysplesyd doctor london yn dysswadyng doctor wylloby not to present the seyd to articles : then to opteyne doctor london benivolens a geyn y wrot a gentyl & confortable letter to doctor wylloby & sent backe robart my man with the letter to perswade doctor wylloby ernestly & boldly to procede with doctor london as he had begon and at my returnyng to london on ascencion eve y came to mr baker to know hys plesure with me seyyng that Mr shedar & sandwych hath sent a letter to oxford to me in your name that y shold with all spede cum to London to yow & he seyd that y came to late for your fellous wer here on saterday last & be gon & now ye may be at choyse whether ye wyll go to caunterbury or returne to oxford & so then y departyd from hym & the morow after ascention day y came to mr baker to know whether he wold any thyng to caunterbury & he wyllyd me to be gon yn hast and to cause mr shedar to be with hyme on sonday nexte with the boke seyyng y mervele
knewe boke
that he ys so slacke & commaund me to mr parkehurst & other of your company & byd theme fear no man under neth the kyng to wytnes the trowgth when they shal be requiryd then y came to mr doctor london & shewyd hyme that mr baker hath commaundyd me to depart home yn hast & he seyd yt was good tydynges & with yn short space he lukyd for a commissioner for every shere of ynglond to be grauntyd to extirpe all heresys ye se we have a commission grauntyd for wynsor & now we be unanimes in domo wher as be fore we ware of ii sectes & ii sortes y have takyn much payn as yow see to gedar to gedar all the articles playntyffe yn on boke for kent the copy of all such articles as was delyveryd
to sir Thomas moyle doctor london reccyvyd of my hand & he seyd that doctor gwent laboryd to hym that he wold take the paynes to be a commissioner with my lordes grace yn kent for a direction of all thes heresys ther now reygnyng & that with yn few days the kyng & hys most honorable councel wold se a reformacion thorowe hys realme yn thys be halfe & then y departyd to caunterbury & at my next returnyng to london mr london was at wynsor & se & so y spake no mor wyth hym by me robert serlys

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.