p. 311
iido die mensis Novembris Anno Regni xxxvto
William Cockes being examyned of such wourdes and communicacion as hath ben hadd at any tyme before this present daye in the chamber of Mr parckhuste prebendary of Christes church in Canterbury, by Mr Willoughby vicar of Chilham mr Sandewiche Mr Mylles Mr hadeley Mr parkehurste or any other person concernyng doctrine, preaching, the kinges highnes procedinges, or any other thing towching kynges maiestie or any alteracion don of late yeres by the kinges grace or his counsaile in this Realme againste the bisshop of Rome or otherwaies / Saieth that about lent paste, by reason of communicacion had among the company
D. willoughby
there, before dyner, he harde Mr Willoughby vicar of Chilham saye, That what soever thei were, that wold take payne in the bissynes wherin doctor london was settaworke by the kinge in bultyng oute of this newe fasshion of doctrine, sholde not only receyve reward at thande of god and thankes of the kinges maiestie but also afterwarde temporall proffitt
Item the said vicar reported at that tyme that doctour London was very busely occupied in thexamynacion of the busynes and mattiers of wyndeser.
Item this said deponent saieth that after Christmas was xii monethes, being in Mr parkchurstes chamber, there were delivered lettres frome doctour Champion unto Mr parkehurst which lettres were reported to come frome my lordes grace and Mr deane concernyng the taking down of an ymage of our Ladie. At whiche tyme one said unto this deponente whose name he cannot remember. Sir nowe ar you discharged for taking down of this the ymage, wherfore will you testifie nowe that my lorde hath commandid that this ymage shoulde be taken down Wherapon this deponent seyng and beholding my lordes hande there represented in a lettre saied I will testifie the same and did put his hande unto a paper;
Be me sir William cockes prest
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.