Interrogatories for Doctor willoughby


What tyme he first knewe of thies matteres & by whom.


what communication he had with Serles opon palme sonday


whether Doctor london dyd penne the articles new that Serles brought to hym, & altered the articles.


Whether Serles said to this deponent, beware what you do, for you shal never be able to prove theym after this sorte that Doctor london doth nowe hath penned theym. whether the wordes were spoken openly that D london myght heare theym.


whether this deponent said to any person that the Busshope of wynchester wolde gyve VIm li to plucke downe tharch- busshope of Cantorbury.


whether the next day Serles wrote to this deponent to procede ernestly & boldely with Doctor london as he had bygonne.


what tyme it was that he said to Gardiner that he wolde take opon hym to be the only doer in this matter.


whatt he dyd with the copie of the articles that were delyvered to hym the same tyme


whether he shewed the last booke that Shether sent to hym by his servant, to the busshope of winchester or not


which of the cownceil dyd alowe hym for puttynge up of the boke, sayinge that he was a good catholicke man, & dyd animat hym to be bolde to present mo such accusementes.


what confortable wordes the counseil gave hym to go about thies matteres.


who informed hym that a commission sholde com down into kent, & that Parkehurst, milles & Gardiner sholde be commissioneres


what communication he had with Mr. ffogge of a ser lecture which the Archbusshope sholde reade of the sacrament of thaultare, & who were present, & what was said of every man.


how many were named to be commissioneres.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.