p. 214
The lyke to be mynystryd ffor the prechyng off the same matter att Canterbury :
When thatt one Syr Thomas Cokson herd thatt doctor wyllyby had byn with me with suche bylles as he browgthe : how : and by whom he lernyd wherffore doctor wyllyby came In good ffaygthe I am nott now sewar, butt off hys cummyng and off hys bylles ther was noo cowncell keptt : ) he wentt unknowyng unto me (as god schall save me) and drew the boke all : savyng ii artyclys one concernyng ymages the other concernyng vi prechers : As ffor gatheryng off errors and abusys In prechyng and otherwyse whoo was the begynner here: In good ffaygthe I know nott: Butt off thys I am assuryd
Mr Twaith
That mr Thwayttes wyllyd mr parkhurst and me william gardner to note errors and abusys : and to send them In writyng unto hym : Other wyse I had never notyd them : And I thynke thatt he spake lykewyse unto mr schether : I ffor my partt gatheryd butt ffew : and sentt them unto mr Thwayttes : as hys wyll was we schuld.
How many Justyce off paece : gentylmen and other persons : they have had confferawnce withIn thes quarters : And whatt they : and every off them have don : or spokyn In thatt same matters
I doo nott remember thatt any Justyce : or gentylman : ever saw that boke : butt all onely (savyng suche as dyd subscrybe) mr Thwaytes and Cyryac Petytt : they bothe wyllyng : thatt doctor wyllyby schuld be ware : how he usyd hym selffe. In thatt matter : and take wyse cowncell : by ffore thatt he dyd sett hytt fforthe : I never here them say otherwyse by thatt boke presentyd :
Unto whatt thynges they have condescendyd unto :
I never herd Justyce : gentylman : nor other condescend unto any other thyng
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.